Thursday, October 30, 2008

It's Been More than two weeks!

Happy Halloween GIRLS!

Got to tell you, for someone with no job, prospects or friends here in the north country, my life's STILL pretty exciting!

Way back here, in this isolated spot where I live, I've made a ghostly friend. He, she, it, them (or all of the above) come up on my front porch around quarter to ten at night and start ringing my doorbell. My friend (s) left after 11 p.m. when I called the police. But it's been dark for awhile now and I'm guessing I won't be alone too much longer.

Everyone wants to be noticed and I feel SO much better knowing I'm being watched and having attention paid! As Charlie Brown always said "Good Grief"! I've really tried to make friends here and by God, now I've got one!!

Here's hoping it's Obama and in HIS economy I can finally get the hell out of Dodge and back to civilization in the years I still have going for me. Rarely are our mistakes as GLARING as moving here has become. There aren't any kids within miles of this place. This isn't a Halloween prank. John hopes it's a short in the doorbell and it simply "rings". I'd be far more inclined to buy that one if it rang during the daylight and not way after dark, over and over, after waiting 15 minutes to an hour to start again. Are electrical shorts photo sensitive? I'm not an expert here. I've never been skiddish...don't sleep with lights on, inside or out. But this isn't fun.

Oh well. Any thoughts? NEVER think that things can't get worse. At least not out loud.

Love to all, Ma

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