Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sorry Lori!

Endless apologies Lori...first I tell you how much you are missed and THEN I don't respond to your missive!

Had a great visit with Jess and Tommy and I saw the dentist...I've spent DAYS with a major abscess after my very THOROUGH cleaning. I seem to have "stuffed" something unfamiliar into my gum line and then felt like crap all week. Doing much better tonight.

I know there are mixed emotions about the VK gathering next week, but TRUST ME, having immediate family for a holiday is a memorable the long run you'll treasure it! Next Thursday will be John's and my very first EVER, since we were together for the past 39 years, Thanksgiving alone. Frankly, not an event to celebrate. I'm just glad he's gonna be here with me.

Not a whole lot going on...the gremlins haven't come back since late last month...or they haven't let me know they're here. A photo of GW would have scared ANYone. Cookies weren't a bad idea either. It's kind of sad that Palin is gone. She was SO EASY to focus on.

Jess and Tommy and the Frankie girl will be here for Christmas and I'm just ELATED! The holidays seem to have crept up on me without my early warning devices in place. I've always LIVED for Christmas. Guess I'm kind of slowly becoming accustomed to less.

You are going to be the best EVER cruise director if we can just eliminate "Julie". Any ideas? The abscess is feeling better and I can sneak into town whenever you suggest to help with that matter. I love you and Sean lots and I wish I had more interesting stuff to send. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving...and try to enjoy that "day after" with your Mom and your traditions!


1 comment:

Flora said...

Hi - trying to reach Juana, not sure if anyone checks this blog at all since your last post was in 2008. She is a prizewinner over at the Perfume Smellin' Things blog, she entered the DSH Perfumes prize draw; please go there & send your contact info! Hurry up or we will have to draw another name!