Monday, September 29, 2008

The Most Northern Heathen

Hello my precious family,

Lori, Jess, I don't know how you girls DO what you do. You are both so very critical to the comfort of so many. And often, you have to watch as those you care for and about fail.

As for the 'heathen' thing...guess I was instrumental in raising a pair of those. It's just so hard to be at all pragmatic and make promises about the supernatural.

I've been an agnostic all my life...a gutless wonder afraid to commit to not know...just in case. I have always, and will to my death, believe in the 'golden rule'. Surprisingly the "do onto others" tenant is planet wide and found in every single religion, regardless of indoctrination. I loathe 'organized' religion, ALWAYS because of the people who claim to be so very pious.

Lori. OH LORI. Anyone as caring as you, Sean, Jess and Tommy couldn't possibly be on any sort of 'wrong track' caring about life as you all do. I have immense faith. ALL of it is in the likes of the precious people I love, at least those who would never harm or ruin another. Today was my Mom's 91st Birthday. We had a long history of calling each other and singing, HORRIBLY, happy birthday to each other. I've sung to my parents' every year since they died, on their day. My Dad wasn't always a nice person. But I sing to him too. Jason's birthday is Wednesday, and I'll sing to him. The point is, Lori, that everyone we know and even wish wonders for, don't always earn that distinction. As long as you and I know that we've only wished well and never, once, intentionally hurt anyone...isn't that supposed to be what 'heaven' is about?

There's also this other part of me that's sort of "Jerry McGuire" in nature. Wasn't "show me the money" synonymous with "show me the love?" If you can't 'show me the money' (heaven?) than shouldn't it be ONLY about 'show me the love?' At least we can KNOW love.

Oh well. I despise organized religion. It truly requires the very worst of the zealots who profess to belong. Group mentality. Mob ethics. Isn't it just so much more difficult to walk the road alone? Guess we're somewhat more accountable if we acted alone and without 'sanction.'

Not everyone DOES need or want a hug from strangers. And I SURE don't need 'prayers' for my deliverance from people who know nothing about me or my motives and intentions. Isn't it always about 'who you know'...if you don't know 'God' personally, you DO seem to be !#%&*!, eh?

Got to go. I think there's a sea to part or someone who needs to find my little body in the bullrushes. I have worlds to save and tablets to dispurse...maybe even a chalice to pour my "box-O wine" into. The Free Masons have been looking for me.

Sure glad your parents can't see this Lori. Think that would be the end of my name on the Christmas card list. Love you guys immensely. That's one helluva job you and Sean have taken absolutely stepped "up to the plate" with this effort!

Wish I had a genuine opinion....Ma

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