Sunday, September 28, 2008

Ramblings of a Heathen

Hello my family!  No real giant reasons for not posting lately, I don't have a full full time job and school, nor do I have a full time school job and a commute, nor do I make really cool slot cars for fun and profit, just stupid stuff busy. 
 I've been working a lot and next week will be trained to be a meds RA.  That way, after my shift of cooking, I can go shower some people, wipe some bottoms, then give them their meds.  No pay increase for the added trust/responsibility of meds, but it will open the door for more hours and on my resume it will show the whole trust/responsibility thing. Right?  
Sean and I have been babysitting a 10 year old for a woman I work with. She's 46 and has decided to go get her ged but almost quit (after I pushed her to go for it) because her other child, a boy/child of 18 who is mentally challenged couldn't watch Sandy while Betty was at school. Betty would come home at 9:00 or so and Sandy's outside riding her bike and such. I guess she's already had dhs called on her (don't know why) but she had to have Sandy more supervised than the boy could do. So I figured that instead of just giving lip service I'd step up to the plate. Sigh, she's a handful. Steals candy, hides candy she doesn't like under the couch. Lies, won't talk unless the mood strikes her, but loves Sean to death. Dad isn't around, don't know the full story, so I think she has daddy issues. She took to him like a duck to water. Things are going to be shaken up a bit Monday when she comes back over. I'll be at work when Betty and Sandy come over but Sean plans on "talking" to Sandy and Betty knows it. He's laying down ground rules harder than I did. With her needing a male role model, maybe she'll listen more after she gets down pouting.  Betty has started calling Sean with progress reports on Sandy's school work. I thought we were just free babysitters. I figure Sean will put his foot down when he's had enough. He's not one to be shy about saying no when the time comes. Until then, we'll help out someone. God knows she needs a hand.
Been working on sewing some purses for Christmas from patterns my mom sent. I quilt, yes with a machine, but good lord, this is killing me. I've ripped so many seams my seam ripper is dull. Think if I buy one and rip the label out she'd know??? It feels like a chore as of right now, when it feels like that, it's not any fun.  I've walked away from it a million times now.  I think I'll just have to tell her I suck at this and I'm happy in that position. 
One of our little people died the other day. Very sad for the family. I didn't know him all that well, he and his wife had only been there about a month and he started going downhill soon after they moved in. Pretty hard getting attached to them and they have to go and die on you. I had been taking courtesy trays to the family last week and then the morning he died I took a larger one. Some other RA's went with me to the apartment and were giving hugs and saying they'd pray for them and he's in heaven and all that. I just set up my tray, told them I was sorry for their loss and we left. On the way back to the kitchen they were asking me why I didn't hug them or say I'd pray for them. I told them not everyone wants to be hugged, noticed, remembered, thought of, yes, but not always hugged by people who are basically strangers. I didn't tell them I'd pray for them because I didn't want to give a hollow promise because I may not pray for them. Turned into a whole religious discussion in which I told them I didn't think it was the time or place for a round table discussion on my beliefs and what I believed in doesn't affect how I do my job which is what I was there for. Goodness, the way they looked at me you'd have thought I shat on their feet. I don't know what I believe in anymore.  It's a collection, collaboration, a mishmash if you will of ideas, events and beliefs. Am I a good person?  I think so.  Will I go to heaven? Don't know, if there is one, I guess I hope so. Do I believe in Hell?  Sure, it's on this plane and in this place we call life. How do we know we're not in hell as we speak and heaven is a wishful thinking of "I don't want to be here", or the grass is always greener syndrome.  I'm sure they'll corner me and witness to me sooner or later. It's like the girl at colonial hills. She came to me and told me she felt led to pray for me, my friend from high school that I was just reunited with had died of a leukemia meant for older people, I told her that would be very nice. So she starts to pray, stops and says, before I can pray for you I need to know if you're saved. So let me get this right, you won't pray for my pain, suffering and for peace if I'm a heathen in your eyes? I don't deserve relief, love, friendship if I don't believe what you do? I was so disgusted but at the same time so dumbfounded I didn't respond. Just turned around and went back to work. I believe in God I guess, just not His followers. Possibly....does that make sense??
So sorry to ramble on. I guess I don't post because I don't think I have anything to say, and then I post and things just fall out of my brain. I love you all if you've made is this far and appreciate your patience, thanks for letting me blabber. I'll try and post more frequently, but I can't promise they'll be short either!!!! At least you'll have bedtime reading set up for you!
Love to all!!!

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