Monday, June 30, 2008



I wrote you an AMAZING admission and recommendation. Unfortunately, the Knight Templar, John, helped me post and it's gone forever. Talk about your secret societies...I'll write more later. Likely when I'm not pissed about spending so much time being PROLIFIC and PROSAIC (and losing it all!)

Love you tons, Ma


Hello! There is only one small problem with the love child that is Lori... if you are actually my sister by blood, what does that make Tom? Is this something we should look at?

I am so glad you like your job. Tom let me listen to the message you left him last week and we're both so happy for you that you finally found something that you enjoy! You deserve it sister!

The car is beautiful, have you though of a name for it yet? Maybe whan he's up and running you'll have a better idea of his personality and can give him a name then? Bio deisel huh...... treehugger.

Well, I love me some Flanagans.... it's fun to see you here!


What an amazing family!!

Truly you are all amazing, but just to be a spectator and read the words you share and the wit, humor and love you share for one another is equally as such.  I am so grateful to be a member of this family if only connected by marriage.  John...Judy, are you quite certain I wasn't an unplanned product of your teenage years and hidden under a picnic table for others to find? I do believe that's what happened.  You are forgiven, but the truth is now out there, forever, for anyone to now know! I am the Shelhass love child. 
On another note, I love my job.  Wow, have I just tempted fate?  Invited bad luck and encouraged karma's wrath?  Phooey, I love it.  I now have a routine set up so I can get all of my three meals done on time.  Am changing things left and right, they don't know how to take me.  Especially when I showed up the first time in my hot pink snood instead of a fuddy duddy hair net.  I'll wear the required lunch lady look, but I refuse to follow the actual lunch lady.  I have changed my menus so the ccho's (diabetics) can have desserts instead of bowls of fruit every day for dessert, which by the way are canned peaches in heavy syrup (explain that one to me).  Yesterday we had homemade apple pie with splenda instead of sugar. We've had chocolate no bake cookies with splenda as well.  Until I am forced to stop because of lab rats keeling over I intend on keeping the feeding frenzy going.  They love it and as you know Jess, I love feeding people, so I love all these people.  I tried to stay unattached, my the inner Lori wouldn't allow it.  Roxy is doing great, thanks for asking and thanks for all the info and pep talk.  You were really there for me and I appreciate it and love you all the more for calming a mother's fears. I have a new car, Sean found me a '77 300D benz for $400.  He's been working on it and has fixed a bunch of things already (oh yeah, it doesn't run), when it finally does run, we will be running used fry oil through it instead of diesel. Go Green!! Actually the truth is that it's cheaper and going green is a byproduct, not really the actual intention.  I wouldn't share that with just anyone, only my close family!  Well, I've bent your ears and corneas long enough, beautiful pictures John,  and Judy, good for you convincing him no buddy holly glasses. Sorry I'd been gone so long but I couldn't find my bookmark to get here.  But I'm back! Love to you all! 

Sunday, June 29, 2008

What went wrong?

Sent a reply to your wedding blog but can't find it now. Let me know if you can. Technology sucks!

The notoriously uninformed, Ma


Wow, that leaf hangey thingy is wicked cool! Where'd you guys pick that up?

As for mysterious project... more hints are needed. What, pray tell, are you little imps up to???

Did not find good clothes for wedding. Wore old stand by wedding clothes. All was well, it was a nice wedding and a fun reception. I've never actually been to a wedding where I knew so many people! Guess when you're friends with both bride and groom you double the possibility of knowing the people attending. It was a nice evening out with Tom at least.

We saw the new M Night Shamamlanalan movie tonight. It was terrible. You know I have stood up for the man's movies to those who disbelieve, but this one is a GIANT dud. Glad we only paid matinee prices.

I have nothing to share, really. I'm exhausted and need to get some sleep to catch up before work starts again. Had a huge adoption event on Saturday which I was preparing for until one in the morning Friday night and haven't properly caught up due to wedding event last night and movie tonight. Think I might need a little nap-ski. Maybe I'll do that now. Night!

Friday, June 27, 2008

See More Pictures

Greetings and Salutations, Well today I ........... Hmmmmm ......... Well I did! More pictures below. ZOOOOOOOOOMZOOOOOOMBuddy.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Brief reply to your blog, little red.

If you had seen your Dad in those frames (and TRULY love him) you'd have prevented the obscene exposure to ridicule yourself.

Overview observation on the Jason situation: sent him a "note" today requesting immediate compensation for over $330 without benefit of frivolous amenities. There are no plants, melodians, or "I love you truly's" in his immediate future. His 'birthright' never included the many extravangances he's asked us to allow and believed we'd smile at the opportunity.
And that's WAY more than the internet needs to see posted.

You must have found a (at long last) cute dress for the wedding. Send pix.

As for the "humble and compliant"...never known you to miss so blatant a reference!

I don't have any real news either. Keeping the "big" project secret. If we blow it though, you might hear the explosion from here. There's an opportunity for stupidly creating trouble without caution. Trying hard to peak your curiosity. Barring that, we can split the cost of gas for you, Tommy and dogger to come up!

Tons of love little girl. Ma

Too cool for school

Mom, mom, mom.... do you not know that geek is chic again? Let the man have his Buddy Holly frames and his Vespa if that's what he wants....he'll be the coolest teacher in Plymouth Canton. Kids will be asking him for his autograph!! And then you, by association, will also be cool. That's the way it works.

What is this big project of which you speak? I appreciate you withholding plants from Jas, but don't feel that you must. They have a place for them and I, alas, do not. They are the responsible couple and Tom and I are the big, renting, losers. Think about it.... I'm a big girl, I can handle it if my brother gets his birthright before I get mine. And, if you feel like it, you can give him the melodian as well. I'm totally cool with it.

Color of poop? Green. Like I've been to a grass buffet.

Big plans this weekend with the wedding coming up. All the cool kids will be there and I'll be able to look semi-cute for people who only see me in clothes covered in small mammals bodily fluids. Yee haw!!

Did I read that sentence correctly... something about being humble and compliant..... was that Judy who wrote that? I've been in close approximation during a yahtzee tourney in your kitchen and I know the depths of your competitiveness. However, I also know full well that dad cheats like a criminal at Monopoly, so I can only guess what happens when you play cards with the man.

I actually have no news of any kind. Just happy to be able to share my green poop and bodily fluids notes with someone. Aren't you glad it was you? I HEART MA AND PA!!!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday's Events

Went to TC again today. Dad got new glasses so be careful what you're trying to hide from him in the future...he can see again. I successfully talked him out of Buddy Holly frames that were too small for his face, among other problems. Couldn't help picturing him on the Vespa with those hideous frames, surrounded by an oversized helmet. He means too much to me to send him out in public that way.

I'm really glad that flu has passed. Poop discussion notwithstanding, it's a nasty business and neither you, Jas or I take those antibiotics with enthusiastic results.

As for my Grand-dog. I've seen her wet, along with the corresponding horror in those loving brown eyes. Just trust my imagination and don't terrorize her further by trying to capture the bathing event on film...there's something about that thought that invites Gil Grissom's investigative skills to understand.

You've always given sports everything you have. I'm not surprised to hear you've developed some good skills, and a desire to win. It's even more fun when your team is underestimated and you can pull off that surprise. Ruptured cockyness is a delight. We don't see it as often as it's warranted.

We're about to take on another task out front. It'll be labor-intensive but we both feel the outcome (assuming we do it RIGHT) will be worth it. Got the "kids' lilacs" moved. They both have some nice root systems developing. Jas doesn't get his until you and Tommy get yours. There's a penalty phase involved. The lilac bed actually looks so very much better with more space available for the four remaining plants.

Wish I knew more about your feelings for the job and how you'd like to distribute your time there. I'll just assume that, as always, you know what's best for you and you're doing it.

Nearly drowned last night trying to soak my neck in epsom salts to reduce the swelling from the unbelievable bug bites. Dad rewarded me afterward by beating me in's OK. I'm still ahead 78 games to 64. Remaining humble and compliant is the secret to a long marriage. Never forget that advice.

And too, NEVER confuse clever with smart ass. Well, maybe the two are interchangeable.

Love you Jess. I miss you and Tommy VERY much. Be well and take good care of eachother. Ma

Ha Ha

You know Ma, you truly are a clever woman. Foil.... reflectors..... as for the terrorist attempt on your life, I feel that they just want somewhere to call home. Is it too much for a bug with a stinger butt to ask that he have somewhere to hang his hat at then end of the day? I say no sir! Poor little guys were just trying to get your attention!!

Flu has passed, mostly because I stopped taking the antibiotics. I won't tell you what color my poop was. Yes, I said poop.

I think it has been decided that I will work two ten- twelve hour days in the clinic and two ten hour days in receiving. I'm excited, let me tell you. Actually it'll be nice to have a break from intake for a while but still be involved in the part of the shelter that I love. And hate.

It's stormy out.... Al Gore was right, I think. I gave Frankie a bath and she's soaking wet and as cute as they come. I'd take a picture but the only ones that ever show her really wet are the ones we take of her IN the tub. Since she panics in the tub, picture taking while alone with her is like trying to take a picture of the Mona Lisa without getting tackled by a security guard.

So we lost another game last night but we overheard the coach of the team we played last week telling this weeks opposing coach that they shouldn't let our record fool them, we play better than the record. And it is true. We kick ass.... we just never win. Here's what happens. Team A (not us) has a really good first at bat. They realize our pitcher kind of sucks and that the outfield is sleepy. They relax. Then we have a killer couple of innings and they realize that they could lose. So they stop swinging at Lisa's pitches so they can load the bases and kill us. It a bunch of crap. I almost bowled over the lady at second last night cause she wouldn't MOVE! Julie's gonna teach me how to slide into base, something I should excel at given my innate clumsiness. I was out, but only because I didn't know if I could push her out of the way. Guess I could have.... she was obstructing the base and in the baseline. Bitch.

That's all the news from South Lyon. If California, Japan and New York will one day be under water, do you think Lake Michigan could take out Illinois, Wisconsin and us? Or do you think it'll shrivel up into a freighter cemetary? And why is Obama asking his financial people to help Hillary with her campaign debt? These are the things that keep me up at night.

I love you guys!!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Andromedia Strain Revisited

Went on a field trip yesterday followed by several hours of planting outside. Am the proud exhibitor of at least eight bites, over 3/16" in diameter with a stinger, dead center, in each one. Since all surround my neck and throat I can only suspect terrorism.

As for the birdhouse obsession, guilty. Whatever attacked me wants to live in the birdhouses. I'm convinced. And too, the reflectors in the center lane on the highways are government tracking devices. Thought I'd 'fess up to ALL of my deficiencies!

Glad to hear you are only infected by a monumental flu virus. May it run its course quickly and leave you sound. Got to run. May not have enough foil for my evening headress and even with Summer hours, the grocery stores close soon.

Hoping for a full moon,


Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm back.... jeez!

Holy cow, I have only been gone for two days! Not exactly a deserter yet!

Just been really tired and busy trying to find wedding clothes (again!!!) for a wedding next weekend. Work, sleep, work, sleep, try on about a hundred dresses that I would never really wear in the real world. Good times.

Three of the five of us who got the dumb test are negative. Julie and I were last so it'll be a few days but there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Here's what really happened.... Julie, her partner and one of our business managers got the flu about the same time. They gave it to a few other people and then we got a litter of puppies who ended up testing positive for lepto at EXACTLY the same time. What are the symptoms of lepto? Well, they are just about anything the flu might do to you. Hysteria followed and we all ended up having to get tested for the damn thing because I work with a bunch of hypochondriacs. That's about it. I had the flu, it's gone and now I'm supposed to take antibiotics for lepto which make me feel more ill than the original flu. Dumb.

I'll keep my trap shut about your addiction to birdhouses which birds can't live in. My mom is addicted to embellishing birdhouses. Is there a twelve step group for that? I'll look into it.

That's all I have for now. Tired and have lots to do tomorrow..... I love you both whole lotta bunches!!


Feeling blog-deserted.

Love, Ma

Friday, June 20, 2008

A week with Dad

Well, here it is, one week down. We had a great visit with Bob and Karen (local friends) last Sunday and have sort of vascilated with planting endeavors every day. There's a full blown veggie garden out back that the birds have enjoyed immensely so far and I have flowers all over the decks that make me happy. Yesterday I planted about 40 nasty baby seedlings into individual sleeves. I'll never do that again. Either the seeds go directly into the "baby" slots or I buy REAL flowers!

I moved tulips that were missed by the starving squirrels last Fall to new locations and was amazed to find that in two short years my original bulbs had turned, in every case, into three bulbs. Sort of self preservation I think. The squirrels eat 40, the remaining 30 triple in size. So far I'm staying on top, but we'll have to see how that maintains. Also moved Irene's yuccas to a more secluded location. Here's hoping they'll make it someday. Sure do look shabby right now. I could see that some of my planting decisions were far less than design successes.

Jess. Just let me know if you're safe (blood test). Can't bring myself to discuss potential/existing Humane Society damage to my perfect child. If the world knew how the caretakers of the animals were cared for themselves....can't stop being a Mom, but know when to shut up.

Dad wasn't supposed to give away the bird house. A couple of days ago when I built it it was a simple project. Today we went to TC and guess what Michael's had???? FOUR MORE, very different birdhouses, essentially the same size as the one I built! Looks like I'm gonna hang out a shingle offering up "hillside cabins" for feathered visitors. Much as I regret it I can't leave the openings uncovered. These things are just decorative, can't be cleaned out, and we'll get so many bees and wasps in them we won't be able to bring them into the garage for the winter. Living in a former orchard is wonderful in so many respects. But the wasps have been looking for an entrance into the bases of our outdoor light fixtures for three weeks. They'll nest nearly any place they can, and they DO get aggressive in September.

Tomorrow's the Spring art fair in Frankfort. Last year Steph and I went and bought the big bird house I worked on for two months afterward. Unfortunately the show is half the size it was when I used to do it and thunderstorms are predicted for the whole weekend. We'll still go but I feel kind of sorry for first time artisans who come with high hopes for sales.

Tommy, John and I have been pulling the Gorilla cart all over the place while I work outside. He's taken it for MANY rides around the property. A man, his toys, and a son-in-law who understands him! Doesn't get any better than that.

Be well. Juana can't make it up for the Fourth. Hope Jas and Steph can. Love to all, Ma

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Pictures are PURDY

Holy crap Dad, you should be a nature photographer. I only have one question about mom's birdhouse.... will it have a guest house and swimming pool attached? Her last birdhouse was more like a bird mansion, so you can imagine what type of house I'm envisioning here. I'm sorry the varmint are attacking your babies. There should be some type of law which keeps them off of your property, I'll start a petition here in Ann Arbor, I'm sure it'll go over well.

Nothing going on here, Tom's out drinking with the boys and I'm making muffins for work. I'm such a suzy homemaker these days. Had to go to the doctor to get tested for leptospirosis, a disease which shuts your kidneys down. That was exciting. Got a litter of puppies who tested positive for it and they made anyone who had any symptoms get tested. My doctor said we'd end up in a medical journal if we were positive, it's that unlikely. What's more likely is that someone got the flu, spread it to all of us, and then the puppies got sick. The symptoms are flu symptoms so mass hysteria ensued and the powers that be made us all get our blood drawn. Very exciting.

I don't have any pretty pictures to share unless you want some of my dying nicotiana.... now there's something beautiful. I'm gonna replace them this weekend, everything's on sale around here and I only need a couple of flowers to make the porch beautiful again.

That's all I really have. I officially turned down the clinic position today, reasons to varied to leave here, but even Tom thinks I made the right decision. And we all know how bad HE wants me out of there. So that's it for now. I love you guys!!! Have a good Friday!!!

Birds On A Wire

Greetings and Such, Well today went here and there.....library, farmer's market, garden places. The darn birds picked out some of my little seedlings.....looked like worms I guess. So I replanted with bigger plants from the garden center. Melons, squash and egg plants. Watched the little varmits gather for a new assult on the garden. Took pictures so I could turn the rat bastards into the fuzz.

Mom is building a new bird house for the front yard........far away from my garden. She also transplanted some flowers and began to add more plants to the flower beds.

Hope to go to the sun fest in Elberta this Saturday. See the link below for pictures of the feathered felons. The Tomato Tatter.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hola. That's hello, Dad

The pictures are amazing! I love storms on your hill.... they shake the house and roll over in a really sinister way!

Ma, your flowers are looking great. You gotta get Dad to take more pictures so I can get the full effect. I'm glad it's cooled down. I hate planting while watering with sweat.

Sorry I've been absent for a while. I caught some upset stomach thing at work and all I've wanted to do is sleep and sleep and..... bailed on the softball game last night. I was making so many mistakes at work that I would have been more useless than normal at the game. Then the allergies started and it was all over.... I really was a sad panda yesterday.

As far as the clinic goes, it's not more money and I won't be working with shelter animals anymore. It's an outpatient clinic almost exclusively. It the shelter's money maker. I'm not sure I would even really be happy up there. The whole reason I've stayed so long are the animals and my contact with them would be limited. I still need to talk to the clinic manager and my manager and so far there hasn't been any time for us to sit down together. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have everything settled.

Lori, I'm so glad the new job is good. No drama is where it's at. I could live the rest of my days without any drama at all and be content that I've had my fill.... and I'm pretty sure you're in the same boat. A nice, calm, friendly working environment.... is that too much to ask for? Tom said Roxy's doing better. Hope she's back to being her bouncy little self! No more salmon, eh?

I love you all... I gotta go fix my computer now. I hate windows vista and I hate gateway. Someday when I have about three grand I'll invest in an Apple..... until then, the struggle continues.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Weather Here

Well it has rained just about every day since Friday. Been some on the cold side too. Built a fire in the stove today to warm up. Check out the link below for some pictures of the clouds and storm Saturday night. The Tatter

Monday, June 16, 2008

Finally Back Again

Wow! Everyone always said I was the chatty Cathy of the family....'ya miss a lot if you disappear for a few days!

Jessica Lauren. Take the job and the opportunity to distance yourself from receiving. If you don't cut your fledgling babies free they'll fall to the ground (along with the nest) because they never learned to fly alone. I know it's more hours but you'll make more money, be more autonomous and maybe have a fresh start with a job you know and love (can't fool ME, I know you love the animals, the knowledge and the work).

Can't trust a plant called nicotanea (sp.??) It'll try to get you addicted then take you down as it secures your trust. Replace it and run while you still have a chance of survival! Ain't I just FULL of advice?

LORI!!! My love! Hope the scavenger hunt didn't enhance any cold case investigations and that the new job remains boring, stays intact, and, most importantly, continues to reward with a paycheck. Boring is good because you don't get attached. I speak from miserable recent experience.

Up until about 15 minutes ago it was still light enough to see the deer in the backyard. I've spent the last few days putting a few annuals and a whole lot of perennials into pots on the back and front deck while listening to Harry Potter in the garage. Thank you so much Cucca. Harry's become one of my on-going bestist friends while I work on this house. Let's just see if I remember which of these pots should be planted in the ground come October.

Still haven't worked the flower beds to include the plants I got during my visit Jess. Got a lot of stuff to move around before planting. The weather is cool enough to be inviting for yard work. That damned wind isn't helping plant survival but we'll work around it somehow.

We had a really nice visit with friends Bob and Karen yesterday. It was, of course, inhanced by the calls from our children. Jason called back a third time regarding fish on the grill. Here's hoping my advice didn't poison he and Steph. Chances are better that they starved to death when the fish fell into the coals.

Lori, we miss you. Write often, even if it's just a note. What's that husband of yours up to? Working on his soon-to-be-published unprintable joke book I'll bet. Much love to each of you.

I'll write more later. Love to all. Ma

New Job....Wonderfully Boring!!!

That's right, end of day one and no drama, crying (by me or others), temper tantrums or chaos of the organized or disorganized kind.  I watched training videos all day, I start cooking tomorrow and I also get to go on a scavenger hunt, as long as I'm not looking for false teeth and a missing colostomy bag, it should be fun.  I'm looking forward to being bored.  Until I get bored that is!  Hello right back atch dad!  You too mom!  Jess, as you!!

Some Pictures of the mom's flowers

Took tooooo long to try and upload all the pictures here so I thought I'd try a link instead. The Dadder. And hey Lori it was good to hear from you.

Here We Are

Well what a sorry looking bunch this is. But we try hard.

Riding the Freedom Train Day ?

Greetings, well we had a great day in the north country, Sunny and bright. Our friends Bob and Karen came over in the afternoon for a cook out feast. Burgers, potao salad, baked beans. devilish eggs and brownies. We ate and had wine and had wine and ate and talked and had a great time. Had to bring the bird feeders in at night ad some creature of the night is having it's own feast. Raining this morning but as soon as it stops I'm going out to chopp up some wood. Then I'm going to ..... well I'm not sure. Got some great cloud pictures of a big storm we had Saturday night and some pictures of the mom's garden that I'll post here soon. The Dad.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Intruding on Family Time

greetings to the shellhaas family!!! Just wanted to pop in and say hello.  Judy, how are you?  Miss you!  And also to you as well John, I wish you a wonderful father's day! Anyway, hello to all.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Finished the best book I've ever read...

So The Road by Cormac Mccarthy turned out to literally be one of the best books I've read in a long time. I'm going to have to check out his other books now.... another trip to the cheap book section of Amazon. I know it's an Oprah book but it also won the Pulitzer, so I guess we can forgive the Oprah thing.
I'm still pondering the move to the clinic. I have a couple of days to finalize the deal. I'm not altogether sure that I want to leave receiving and after talking about it with Tommy, I have made my concerns clear and he understands.
Also, my nicotiana are close to croking. I guess they aren't as hardy as my annuals book suggested. Good thing is, I think I can get seomthing new relatively cheaply cause plants are going on sale. I don't want to leave them out, now my growing collection is filling in and I have obvious holes to fill.
Ma, I hope that things are looking up with dad there. Dad.... may you have a bright and shiny father's day, I'll talk to you tomorrow.

Ridin The Freedom Train Day One

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Short n sweet

Frying the computer might not be a great idear..... so here's my news.... I grudgingly took the position in the clinic so sometime in July-ish I'll be HSHV's newest vet tech. It's the same job I'm doing right now only far less politics. Feel like I'm abandoning my crew in receiving but mama bird has to teach her kids to fly and I think I can do some good as far as relations in the shelter and receiving by bridging the enormous gap between the clinic and everyone else by making this move. We'll see how well it all works out.... cool thing is that I'll get every other Saturday off, yay! Full time, even during school, which means hideously long hours but it's really fast paced and an environment I'm used to. That's all for now, somehow I have to wake Tommy up off the couch and get him to bed cause it's LATE. Tomorrow you get Dad, that's something to be happy about, right? Three months of politically incorrect jokes, you can't go wrong with that! I love you ma.....

Day's End

Heavy lightening storms for last three and a half hours. Thought it would be a great idea to fry the computer now. Guess I should just wait til tomorrow. Rest well.
So far today I haven't really done much. Been having a meltdown this week but luckily for me it's rained nearly every day and stopped me from becoming a steaming puddle the girls would sniff and walk around.

Still haven't planted flowers. My motivation is stalled so I think I'll move on to method acting and head for the garage, dirt, flowers and pots...maybe a method to my madness will ensue. I'll write more later if I should suddenly become active here. And Jess, my furry granddaughter has the bee you tee full brown eyes I'd always hoped to see in my first grandchild. Got to go. I picked a scab on my leg from a spider bite and the red stuff is flowing like crazy.

I didn't go to the stores today. Waiting 'til tomorrow. I got a good start on a long-overdue project yesterday. A little more effort with the stuff and I'll have finished something I SHOULD have years ago. Since it's a surprise for Dad (and you let a MAN into the circle!) I'll wait 'til tomorrow when he's on his way here to tell you what I did.

Love you, Ma

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunny day off

Today is the first day that's not 100 degrees out and Frankie and I decided to spend some time in the grass. On Saturday she met her new best friend, Helo. My friend Chriss adopted him recently and this was their first meeting. He's a ten month old Catahoula leopard dog.... what is this breed you may be wondering. Very hard to describe, but he's beautiful. He's about the same size as Frankie and already better behaved than my crazy dog. Frankie shared her toys and water bowl with him as if they had known each other their entire lives. It's very exciting for Frankie to have someone to play with regularly because she can be a wee bit nervous around other dogs.... something which makes Tom and I a tad unhappy. How did the cats react to Helo (aka Godzilla) in their house? Pure terror. Not since the days of Serena have they had a dog chase them like that. I was sure Uma was going to go into cardiac arrest before that dog would leave her alone. Luckily she has mad hiding skills which sent Helo into a fit of OCD while he searched high and low looking for her. It was all very humorous.
My big plans for the day are as follows: reading, coffee, toss the flying squirrel for the dog a few times, and some more reading. School starts way too soon and I plan on making the most of these days....

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

To the wet blanket...

Here's my day: long, long, long..... worked yet another twelve hour shift and then on to the softball game. It was a good game but our opponents kicked ass and due to our lack of interest in the cut throat world of recreational softball, we suffered yet another defeat. But, we had a great time doing it. I might be moving to the clinic. It remains to be seen but I'm being heavily recruited so I guess I better make my mind up before Thursday or I'll be stringing along a group of highly anxious people. I went back to the mall on Monday looking for "the dress" and found nothing but I got some new too cool for school glasses and look quite nerdy indeed. As for dad's comment on how he plans on spending his summer vacation: have a great time buddy cause I'm gonna use your shelf in the fridge the ENTIRE time you're gone. AND I plan on using your salt whenever I can. Please do the art crawl this summer and use your anniversary gift well. The summer is too precious to use it entirely for working on the house. Go to the beach, go kayaking, read a book, go out to dinner somewhere you have never been before and buy a whole shelf full of cheesy hats that you guys can wear while gardening. Also, and this is of great importance, share your crops with your daughter, cause she loves her some fresh veggies. Think of me and your grand dog sweating away in the farm house.... now there's a reaon to stay up there if there ever were one... air conditioning. I love you ma, I'll get up there as soon as humanly possible and I'm sure the summer will be filled with visitors of many kinds (think Japanese biting beetle) and many great gatherings will occur. Someday this will allbe worth it when you and dad are together up there.... you wouldn't have started on this endeavor if it weren't something you truly wanted for your future. That's all I have for now.... I'll send out requests to the other ladies and we can all chat about how little we get to see one another. Night!

Hi Dad

Forgot I was in cyberspace. Wish I felt as excited right now as your wonderful blog sounds. As ever, you are the voice of cheerfulness. I'm already thinking of excusing myself from the "wet blanket" blog personna. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
Hey there Ma and Jessie, thanks for inviting me to join your group. Well only 3 more days to a summer in the sun and fun. I'll be thinking of you as I bask on the beach or float down the river or wander in the woods or just sit and do nothing at all. Dad

MA, again

OK. I'm sure about Juana, not so sure about Aunt Sue, and thought I'd throw in Deb too! Here goes.... OR

John Madonna is being married in August and has just left for Chicago. Deb's having a bad time with his departure. I just sent her a long email trying to be supportive. Sure know what missing your family feels like!

Love you, MA

Monday, June 9, 2008


So I've set this up mostly for my mom and I to communicate and therefore have little need to say much about myself. However, as this IS the world wide web, I suppose I'll tell a little story. I grew up in Plymouth, had a rather normal childhood. I moved out a couple of times, eventually moving out for good when I was about 18. I have an older brother who did the in-n-out thing too, so my parents had a lot of living with their mostly grown up kids. I tried college out and decided it wasn't for me.... until about ten years later. Anyhew.... my parents sold my childhood home and began building their dream home up north, near where my mom had purchased property when she was just a youngster. In the meantime they moved about two minutes from my house and we got to spend a lot of time together, thereby making the final move up north very difficult for my mom. She missed her kids, and even more, she missed her husband who was living down state with my husband and I until he retires, a date which still eludes us. We get up there when we can, but it's never enough. My mom spends a lot of time alone and misses out on our daily lives, something she has never experienced before in our lives. I am truly awful on the phone, so I'm hoping that this will be a way for us to stay in touch, a way for my mom to spend the day with me even if it's to say the day sucked. For now, that's all.... just saying hi to my mom and hopefully some others who we miss a whole lot.