Sunday, June 22, 2008

I'm back.... jeez!

Holy cow, I have only been gone for two days! Not exactly a deserter yet!

Just been really tired and busy trying to find wedding clothes (again!!!) for a wedding next weekend. Work, sleep, work, sleep, try on about a hundred dresses that I would never really wear in the real world. Good times.

Three of the five of us who got the dumb test are negative. Julie and I were last so it'll be a few days but there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Here's what really happened.... Julie, her partner and one of our business managers got the flu about the same time. They gave it to a few other people and then we got a litter of puppies who ended up testing positive for lepto at EXACTLY the same time. What are the symptoms of lepto? Well, they are just about anything the flu might do to you. Hysteria followed and we all ended up having to get tested for the damn thing because I work with a bunch of hypochondriacs. That's about it. I had the flu, it's gone and now I'm supposed to take antibiotics for lepto which make me feel more ill than the original flu. Dumb.

I'll keep my trap shut about your addiction to birdhouses which birds can't live in. My mom is addicted to embellishing birdhouses. Is there a twelve step group for that? I'll look into it.

That's all I have for now. Tired and have lots to do tomorrow..... I love you both whole lotta bunches!!

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