Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hola. That's hello, Dad

The pictures are amazing! I love storms on your hill.... they shake the house and roll over in a really sinister way!

Ma, your flowers are looking great. You gotta get Dad to take more pictures so I can get the full effect. I'm glad it's cooled down. I hate planting while watering with sweat.

Sorry I've been absent for a while. I caught some upset stomach thing at work and all I've wanted to do is sleep and sleep and..... bailed on the softball game last night. I was making so many mistakes at work that I would have been more useless than normal at the game. Then the allergies started and it was all over.... I really was a sad panda yesterday.

As far as the clinic goes, it's not more money and I won't be working with shelter animals anymore. It's an outpatient clinic almost exclusively. It the shelter's money maker. I'm not sure I would even really be happy up there. The whole reason I've stayed so long are the animals and my contact with them would be limited. I still need to talk to the clinic manager and my manager and so far there hasn't been any time for us to sit down together. Hopefully by the end of the week I'll have everything settled.

Lori, I'm so glad the new job is good. No drama is where it's at. I could live the rest of my days without any drama at all and be content that I've had my fill.... and I'm pretty sure you're in the same boat. A nice, calm, friendly working environment.... is that too much to ask for? Tom said Roxy's doing better. Hope she's back to being her bouncy little self! No more salmon, eh?

I love you all... I gotta go fix my computer now. I hate windows vista and I hate gateway. Someday when I have about three grand I'll invest in an Apple..... until then, the struggle continues.

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