Sunday, June 29, 2008


Wow, that leaf hangey thingy is wicked cool! Where'd you guys pick that up?

As for mysterious project... more hints are needed. What, pray tell, are you little imps up to???

Did not find good clothes for wedding. Wore old stand by wedding clothes. All was well, it was a nice wedding and a fun reception. I've never actually been to a wedding where I knew so many people! Guess when you're friends with both bride and groom you double the possibility of knowing the people attending. It was a nice evening out with Tom at least.

We saw the new M Night Shamamlanalan movie tonight. It was terrible. You know I have stood up for the man's movies to those who disbelieve, but this one is a GIANT dud. Glad we only paid matinee prices.

I have nothing to share, really. I'm exhausted and need to get some sleep to catch up before work starts again. Had a huge adoption event on Saturday which I was preparing for until one in the morning Friday night and haven't properly caught up due to wedding event last night and movie tonight. Think I might need a little nap-ski. Maybe I'll do that now. Night!

1 comment:

MA said...

Hey Baby Red,

Bought the leafy hangy thingy after our party last Summer at the Frankfort art show. Also bought an amazing sprinkler, also copper. You're welcome ANY time to come and view!

Glad you and the Tomster had a good night out. M. Night has an embarrassing follow-through on previously auspicious beginnings.

Dad and I rented "the Bucket List" and truly loved it.

Been trying to finish stuff to be delivered to galleries but it's taking more time than expected. Seems as 'tho our end run price just keeps becoming more deficient.

Hoping beyond hope that when I put the fourth coat of varnish on the new frames tomorrow I might be able to finish the damnable project and move on to the EVER MORE IMPORTANT bird house project.

As for the mysterious project? Haven't done much more than buy some materials. Dad got his glasses today. They said a week to ten days and it took three days.

Get some rest sweetie. Love, Ma