Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunny day off

Today is the first day that's not 100 degrees out and Frankie and I decided to spend some time in the grass. On Saturday she met her new best friend, Helo. My friend Chriss adopted him recently and this was their first meeting. He's a ten month old Catahoula leopard dog.... what is this breed you may be wondering. Very hard to describe, but he's beautiful. He's about the same size as Frankie and already better behaved than my crazy dog. Frankie shared her toys and water bowl with him as if they had known each other their entire lives. It's very exciting for Frankie to have someone to play with regularly because she can be a wee bit nervous around other dogs.... something which makes Tom and I a tad unhappy. How did the cats react to Helo (aka Godzilla) in their house? Pure terror. Not since the days of Serena have they had a dog chase them like that. I was sure Uma was going to go into cardiac arrest before that dog would leave her alone. Luckily she has mad hiding skills which sent Helo into a fit of OCD while he searched high and low looking for her. It was all very humorous.
My big plans for the day are as follows: reading, coffee, toss the flying squirrel for the dog a few times, and some more reading. School starts way too soon and I plan on making the most of these days....

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