Thursday, June 12, 2008

Short n sweet

Frying the computer might not be a great idear..... so here's my news.... I grudgingly took the position in the clinic so sometime in July-ish I'll be HSHV's newest vet tech. It's the same job I'm doing right now only far less politics. Feel like I'm abandoning my crew in receiving but mama bird has to teach her kids to fly and I think I can do some good as far as relations in the shelter and receiving by bridging the enormous gap between the clinic and everyone else by making this move. We'll see how well it all works out.... cool thing is that I'll get every other Saturday off, yay! Full time, even during school, which means hideously long hours but it's really fast paced and an environment I'm used to. That's all for now, somehow I have to wake Tommy up off the couch and get him to bed cause it's LATE. Tomorrow you get Dad, that's something to be happy about, right? Three months of politically incorrect jokes, you can't go wrong with that! I love you ma.....

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