Thursday, June 26, 2008

Too cool for school

Mom, mom, mom.... do you not know that geek is chic again? Let the man have his Buddy Holly frames and his Vespa if that's what he wants....he'll be the coolest teacher in Plymouth Canton. Kids will be asking him for his autograph!! And then you, by association, will also be cool. That's the way it works.

What is this big project of which you speak? I appreciate you withholding plants from Jas, but don't feel that you must. They have a place for them and I, alas, do not. They are the responsible couple and Tom and I are the big, renting, losers. Think about it.... I'm a big girl, I can handle it if my brother gets his birthright before I get mine. And, if you feel like it, you can give him the melodian as well. I'm totally cool with it.

Color of poop? Green. Like I've been to a grass buffet.

Big plans this weekend with the wedding coming up. All the cool kids will be there and I'll be able to look semi-cute for people who only see me in clothes covered in small mammals bodily fluids. Yee haw!!

Did I read that sentence correctly... something about being humble and compliant..... was that Judy who wrote that? I've been in close approximation during a yahtzee tourney in your kitchen and I know the depths of your competitiveness. However, I also know full well that dad cheats like a criminal at Monopoly, so I can only guess what happens when you play cards with the man.

I actually have no news of any kind. Just happy to be able to share my green poop and bodily fluids notes with someone. Aren't you glad it was you? I HEART MA AND PA!!!

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