Thursday, July 31, 2008

Here Is The LinkI Hope

Jessie as soon as I get the info on the heart thing I'll get you a copy. I think it is called Long T Cell. As part of the White family we should get tested for it. One of uncle Bob's kids Mark has it and so does he. Not sure if our side of the White family should be concerned but better safe than sorry. So I don't think we need to quit smoking yet.

I'll give you an update on our adventures to TC to get new tires for little car. Hope you and Tommy like eggplant and tomatoes with your turkey dogs. There's going to be plenty to go around. How can you eat turkey dogs? Give Tommy a hug and a big sloppy kiss for me.

Eggplant Boy


You have no IDEA how much we've missed YOU!

I sent a blog to Sean and Lori last night about how to get to "Home Racing World" to see our car but Dad will send easier instructions once I'm through blabbing. We've gotten the most wonderful responses from other slot car guys. I'm amazed at being so accepted in an arena I've never even much followed (sounds EXACTLY the same way I found my way into miniatures). And yes, making money is the obvious 'end-run' here, but if you could see Dad's (John's) face at having his own, one of a kind slot car. I designed our second car tonight and he's cut out, marked, and ready to begin carving. Truth is I'm kind of tired and need to put things away for a while. If I don't I'll not only be too worn down to do any of the things we still hope to do but our time will be gone.

Haven't stopped back in to the Vigland Gallery. Susie was only beginning to rearrange art work (far less available this year than when I first invaded her space a year ago) when she took all six of the pieces I offered. She and her potterer husband were extremely supportive of our new photo/drawing/photo/drawing project. She wants them entered into the next juried competition for awards. Jess, you should see Alan Vigland's pottery. You are every bit as competent a thrower as he is, in fact your forms are very compatable. But his GLAZES and their applications! And he's very sharing. If you can make it up here before they close in late October/early November I'm sure he'll take you right into his studio behind the gallery.

As for the genetic heart problem in Dad's family...Bob and Stephanie AND Chuck and Manya each lost a child before their 22nd Birthdays. Two of your Dad's first cousins. That anonymous person with leg problems hasn't done a single thing to alleviate the situation. Stubborn cottonpicker, not feeling too motivated or comfortable with general anesthaesia right now. A hair too much stress.

There's only one thing I'll ever want again as a gift, and it can be pretty expensive. A visit? I don't care where, when or for what duration. Just dying for a visit. I want absolutely NOTHING else. Please visit. PLEASE?

Sadly, both Uncle Shelby AND George Carlin live on in books and memory only...but that "ABZ" book? One of my favorite memories of Aunt Sue. I bought that book for her and it was the first she'd ever gotten, somewhere around age seven. Our parents' were SO nurturing! But then, we DID get Sue to pour "Daddy's favorite scotch" on the floor at Uncle Shelby's recommendation. That book may not have been Vern and Virginia's first choice as reading material. But that IS what you get when you leave your little kid with demonic baby-sitters!

Glad to hear the camping stuff finally found it's way into a campsite. Did Frankie go too?

I bought these turkey bratwurst things a few weeks ago and put them in the freezer. They're good old "Jennie-O's" so I'm trusting they're edible. Well, let's assume someone cooks them before Christmas.

Fred and Kirk are coming here in a few days. Suicide appears to be our only way out. Guess I'll pass on that option. Although entertaining them feels much like Hari Kari. They won't be here long 'tho. They're not used to stud walls and a cement floor. The bed and bath will be scrupulously clean (except for the ear wigs). Don't think they're used to our kind of 'amenities.'

Thanks for blogging Jess. We've missed you horribly.

Love to all of you. Ma


Sorry all... was supposed to have vacation and ended up working one of those days. Then Tom and I were going to begin our great, almost free, adventure and ended up spending the day working on Buck, the big Jeep. We did get to finally use some of the camping gear ma and pa purchased for us and spent some time alone for a couple of nights.... had a good time and now I can't get the campfire smell out of my hair. I kind of like it.

Dad, what have you found out about the heart problems in the White family? I know one of your cousins had a heart attack very young, is that the same side of the family? Also.... and you know who you are... have you had your leg looked at yet? You know who you are!

Hey dad, can you post a link to the slot car mom's making? Who's the best wife in the world? She makes you your very own slot car from scratch! You guys are gonna sell them, yeah? Now that sounds like a viable enterprise! Has any of the art sold yet? Have you gone to visit it in it's new home?

The heat and the dryness are killing all of my pretty flowers. I've tried everything to keep them moist but some of them are committing suicide. Ma, have you tried the self watering do-hickeys? I think you fill a stake like thingy with water and it gives them h20 on a more constant basis?

I was hoping to get some time off near ma's b-day... if possible, maybe that would be a good time to come up? Maybe the weekend before or after? I'll check the schedule at work and just take one of those weekends off and you'll have to deal with me once I get there. This kid would like to know what her mom wants for her birthday as well.... just a small hint would be useful.

Dad, I'll have you know that The Stand is one of my all time favorite movies. In cheese factor alone it takes the cake. Have I mentioned how bad the new M Night Shamalamalan movie is? It rivals The Stand. No joke.

Lori, I think you, Tom and I should start our own union. The union of the overworked. I know ya gotta make a buck in this world, but for the love of Pete, give us some time off. I've been pulling twelve hour days regularly for months now and the new, improved, fourteen hour days are so much fun I could rip my hair out.

Speaking of hair, I think I'm on a hair strike. Meaning, I seem to be reluctant to have it cut. Those of you who don't see me on a regular basis would be shocked by it's unruliness and length. I look like a woolly mammoth. Oh, man, speaking of extinct creatures, you guys have to check out this book called Bigfoot, I Not Dead.... never mind, I'm buying you all a copy of it. Think Uncle Shelby's ABZ book mixed with a bit of George Carlin... it made me guffaw.

Ok, I gotta go eat with my husband now.... I found turkey dogs at the grocery store the other day and Tom's decided that they're great. Yay!

I love you all, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Work is a nightmare and Tom and I needed some time alone. For what it's worth, there's this girl I work with who's looking for another job for me. She said she'd even make my resume for me. Now that's a true friend.

Love, hugs and kisses. Jess V (that's what they call me at work).

Big News Today

Greetings, Visited the garden and found baby squash and eggplants are birthed. Another great day here in the north country. Big blue sky and around 80. Going to try and talk the mom into going to an off road derby. Jacked up Pinto's, Vega's and such small cars on huge tires and wheels racing around a mud bog and hilly track. Well so far today I've made the trip to town for a paper, read the paper, had lunch and after I call Bell Tire to find out about tires for little car I'm either going to read a very good book that I started early this week or I might take my headphones and the tractor and go cut the grass. What ot do. What to do. Love to all, Grass Boy

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What a strange summer

Sean and Lori, John has been posting the creation of our mutual slot car and you guys can find it (according to John's list) as follows: Go to "Home Racing World", search. Click on forums/ Go to Vintage and scratch--building forum/ Look for post "making my own only the start". John and I have gotten some truly sweet feedback from total strangers.

Hope you're well. Hope "Cucca" is well.

Day After The Big Storm

Greetings, well we had a cracker of a storm last night. Wind, rain, thunder and a great light show. Lasted about two hours, during which we got about two inches of rain. No need to water the garden today.

Garden growing great. Looks like a huge crop of tomatoes, egg plants, melons and squash. I don't think the green peppers are going to make it before first frost. No new attacks by creatures of the day or night although I'm keeping a wary eye for any misdeeds in that area.

Watched the end of the Stand last night with a toco dinner. I forgot how bad that movie was. But now we own it so if anyone needs a loaner we got it.

Mom is about done carving the slot car body. It looks great. I think she has plans to do another of her own design. Got to order up some casitn supplies. Hope to sell some of the bodies on Home Racing World. Posted some pictures there last week have have gotten some good feed back.

Well off to pull some weeds in the garden and then give little car a bath. Jessie, Tommy, Lori, Sean, mom and all hope your day if great. Weed Boy

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Where's Cucca?

Lots of thunder rolling this way from the lake right now so I just have a quick question. It's been two weeks tonight since we've heard from you and you aren't blogging. Are you alright?

We can't help it if there's no time or money for an actual visit, but can't we stay in touch? All I can think of is a year ago at just about this time and the happiest two and a half days of my life, when your Dad came and got you on a Wednesday and we got ready for our party together. I'll always love our party but it was the preparation with you that made my memories.

I miss you more than you'll ever understand. I love you. Ma

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thanks Lori. Talking to empty cyberspace is scarey!

First of all tell Sean that I can carve ANYTHING. Whether it resembles a Porsche or a Dachund will always be in question. Is Sean taking up the slot car staff and running with it?

Good for you, the overtime, and finding things to enjoy about your job. For me it was the job itself. I loved all the local information (as an outsider I was learning A LOT!) and just the hours and the work itself. Most of the time I was excited about going to work. The people I worked with were the Webster's definition of dysfunctional. Let me take that back. I think the "D" word that really works for them is deceptive. You can't be truly dysfunctional if you can close ranks so effectively when you choose to do so. But I truly enjoyed the actual job. The hours were perfect and I could go downstate on weekends if I wanted to, even staying until Tuesday to come home. Oh well. There truly isn't anything else up here I can apply for...standing on concrete all day just won't work. But I'd make one helluva McDonald's employe...I can count to two.

John and I have been keeping busy. He's been cutting wood battens from several deer blinds on our property (and, with permission, on the neighbor's property) into frame strips for my artwork. Lori, that wood is all oak but the weathering is spectacular. Even if we could find frames using wood like this they'd cost as much as this house. Another true bonus was the orchard ladder leaning against one the blinds. There was one just like it at an antique store in town. It sold before we could park and check the price tag. Can't park anywhere right now. Damned tourists! John endlessly points out that we were once them...we were NEVER so obnoxious as space invaders.

I've been working on the slot car for a week now and, if my filler ever dries tonight, I can finish all the detail work once the wheel wells are sanded. John posted 'in progress' pix last week and a few guys have sent some nice responses.

We've still got some serious work to finish at the trailer but we got finished photos last Friday and made a really cool two page flier with glowing text accompanying last night. Our friend Janey took us to the Cabbage Shed restaurant for wine and a steak dinner last night too. Really nice.

Believe it or not, with nearly perfect weather here, I don't even go outside much. I could carve out there. Don't know what's wrong with me. Guess I just like sawdust, wood chunks and debris all over my family room carpet. Got to admit, the neighbors don't have anything quite as unique in their homes.

Wish I had some exciting news. That lamb sounds great and gnaw I would, given the chance. John and I have been jonesing for tacos and that's tomorrow. I'll try to come up with something marvelously creative next time...even if I have to lie!

Love to all, every day and always, Ma

You Are Not Alone

I don't think there is a 12 step for carbs. I could  be a charter member though.  Unlike you I do have a strong addiction to bread. Love it, would shrivel up without it. No bear right now but we're finishing up the last of last years lamb. Getting ready to receive our lamb for this year. 4-h raises them, we eat em! Works well.  Could you imagine getting tired of lamb? We "sufferer" through a leg of lamb the other night and are still working on it. You needed to be here if meat is what you wanted. I could see you holding the shank and chomping on it like it was a drumstick. 

Sean wants to know if you can carve a porsche 914. He said you don't even need to name it. Although we're kinda hooked on "oogie woogie" now!  

New job experience to report.  Worked two doubles this weekend. That's why I haven't posted. Done the cook thing, done the shower thing, the bathroom thing, the laundry thing, the feeding thing and so on. New job knowledge to put on resume, hairdresser. Yup, that's me. I'm rolling hair. Rolled Ms. Hoffner's hair because she can't lift her left arm up. It's not a have to kind of thing but I did it cause I wanted to and it gave me more time on the clock. There's only 1 resident I really don't care for. She's just a downright hateful person and even her family will tell you that. Bitch is more like it!

Going to the book store with Sean. He's going to practice his hunting skills.

Love and kisses, will check in later when it's too hot to go out.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Somebody respond???

Friday, July 25, 2008

Be careful what you ask for!

Don't you see the Shellhaas 'fatal flaw'??? All we need to hear is that someone we love needs something and, by GOD, we're there!!! Monsters are bred from such "care."

However. Send ME that fermented bread. I'll find a use for it. Can picture myself, loaf under my shirt, sneaking downstairs and out the doors where no one on this planet will see me with my contraband. I might even start eating bread early in the morning. A sure sign of denegration. Is there a twelve-step program for bread addiction? And too. I've never liked bread in my life and just about everyone knows it. Actually, a perfect cover for my new addiction! Skip the bread and bring yourself. There's an addiction I'd cultivate!

If I don't get some real food tomorrow Tigger's rubbing and Pooh in my lap may trigger a meat response they didn't anticipate from "Mom". Little house looked so good today just before we left that we took tons of pix to create our own flyer to give to the realtor. Truth be told, she's not as good as the one we don't speak to anymore. But John's fabulous with flyers and the place looks like we love it again. Still not done, but I'd want to see more if I pulled in the drive. Anyway, from Tuesday through today the only food we've had are my picnic lunches over there. The mainstay of each of those 'party fares' was a different sandwich each day. I NEED MEAT! Damn it, bring on the BEAR!

Sean, the closest I've seen John get to critter anhilation is when he runs out the back deck waving his arms and screaming "oogie woogie" at a squirrel in his garden. The cats are scared shitless and the invaders continue grazing. Got to admit I'm kinda glad the neighbors are all far away and can't see my straight-laced husband in action.

I worked on John's slot car body until 5 a.m. I'm having fun with it and he's excited. I've named it "zoom-zoom", a fervent hope for it's future beyond the wood I'm carving.

Kind of winding down. Only had about four hour's sleep and tomorrow we've got to go to TC late afternoon to "rescue" our friend Janie after her show. She doesn't really need us to pack up but maybe just getting out of Frankfort isn't a bad thing for an afternoon.

Jess? You out there somewhere? No sunflowers planted ANYwhere. Just corn for as far as the eye can see, in various stages of potential cultivation. It's sad but everyone needs whatever financial salvation they can find. Speaking of which, I filled the Jeep up today at $3.88 a gallon. Who'd guess anyone would be doing cartwheels over that price?

Lots of love, Ma

That's the way we do it!!!

Wow, so that's all it takes? One episode of blogging to whine, talk to myself and begging and all three of you jump on it? It's a damn good thing you gave me away when I was so young. You never would have been able to handle a manipulative child such as myself. I am a mastermind I tell you. I just never figured how to harness my powers. If only I could have learned ....why ...... I..... could...!!!! 
Anyway, it does sound like you have interesting things going on. I'm happy little house is coming back together. And John, if those visitors in your back yard will eat those bugs in your m&m supply, you've got it made.  Sean doesn't hunt, not because he's anti hunting. Just never into it I guess.  He does the fishing thing from time to time. But give him a hunk of meat and that boy can cook it!! OOOOOOH! Did I ever tell y'all about Thanksgiving one year when I brought up a meal to fix and serve? Pre Jess, yucky Regan era.  My aunt and 2 cousins were there, I think Tom may have been there (I believe this was the year I ripped into Regan and told her if she didn't like who Tom was, leave, she had no right in changing him, beotch!!) Anyway, I digress. So I have this hunk of meat. Won't tell what it is. I fix supper and everyone eats. I haven't made a big deal of it. So halfway through dinner I ask if anyone has a guess on what it is. Hee Hee. Forks are starting to be lowered and parental units don't look very happy. Beef? No. Pork? Nope. Deer? No but good try. Sean mentions something about forest fires and little Josh, the little autistic one says Smokey the Bear matter of factly and keeps on eating. Needless to say nobody believes him till I say that's right Josh. You're eating bear. And my dad was not happy! Ha! It was really good, not greasy not tough. So anyway. We love hunted meat! 
I would love to come pick blackberries there! I'd be a walking mosquito bite though. I'm not the walking testimonial. I can be dipped in the stuff, wearing long sleeves and pants with netting surrounding me like a mother's love sitting next to a stark naked honey dipped Sean and they will still find me and leave him be. Sean says I'm sweet meat. I wonder if the berry bread would ferment before it got to you if I sent some? Hmmm?
Jess, don't worry about the plant. Usually mine go through a long tortuous death before they wise up and look for the antifreeze treated gatorade. The smart ones hear the shrieks while they are still able to reach for it on their own and do themselves in quickly.  I do love plants and I think they love me, till I get them home and they learn their fate. Such a sad reincarnation. I believe that would be a punishment befitting the worst offender. Sent back to life as my plant! Time to sign off and go to bed. Sean's watching modern marvels and I'm not too interested in it so I'll probably just go read. Love to all and a wonderful weekend to you. I'm cooking so it should be good, no showers that I know of. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Poor Lorinda!!!

It's just so WRONG to only have oneself to talk to!!!! I hate it when that happens. And it does, too. Gonna get bad in another month.

Well, the total devastation I felt last weekend when I saw the condition of our once beloved place is greatly improved by this afternoon. It ain't as perfect as it once was, but at least someone driving up to the house would be encouraged to look inside now. We plan to leave it like it once was in it's hey day. Ironically, other than that huge crack in one of the bathrooms (which I'll figure out how to cover up), the inside of the house is actually BETTER than when we bought it! We're both feeling much encouraged by our progress. DAMN 'tho. It's demandingly hard work.

We have so many things we still want to do and time is running out on us. Got kayaking, blueberry picking, the beach (which we haven't been to essentially in two years), the second stage of the secret get the idea.

I've got to tell you guys that we started something on Monday that is decades overdue. I'd have never had a chance at creating or selling artwork if it weren't for John's endless (and I mean ENDLESS) assistance. For years and years we've discussed his interest in making his own slot car bodies and how to approach doing that. I made molds in college and he's done a lot of research. All I ever did was talk. When I've needed help he drops absolutely everything to help me right now.

Monday I started carving my very first slot car to use as the mold for John's first marketable product. Can't say I blame the man at all for choosing a hitherto unavailable Lamborghini body. Three days into this project I can attest to the reason the body's never been out's the difference between the Cistine ceiling and a few acrylic daisies on one's mailbox! I'm sure he thought that if he was only going to get one shot at a car body from me he'd go for the gold.

I want this guy to be SO PERFECT I actually talk to my wood. I'm not accustomed to having to create two identical sides and a perfect profile in all respects. All of my carvings have had a lot more latitude for mistakes. But I love the look on his face knowing he's finally as important to me as I always have been to him. Just want that car to be perfect. John sure deserves it. He's made quite a name and reputation for himself in the slot car world and the first product he offers MUST outshine anything else available.

Anyway guys. I know this isn't really exciting stuff but it IS what we're doing! Doesn't even come close to naked strangers Lori. But confidentially, there's a certain "ick" factor involved there too. Although I'd be outrageously excited to be paid to sit and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes, even if I had to do it while the rest of the world got to sleep in! Considering the drawbacks of this job Kid, it seems as though you're doing great with it. Some day you've got to tell me just exactly WHAT that job description was when you applied for work.

Gonna be my turn in the big garden tub downstairs pretty quick. I'm (walking????) testimony to the promises made on the Deep Woods OFF label. Nary a bite. Just a trifle slimey and smelly. John's floating around in the tub now. He promised to hit the thing with Scrubbing Bubbles before it was my turn. He's never left a ring in his life. I've mastered the art!

Love you guys tons. Be well. I know we're boring but keep writing? Ma

Nothing much to say

I don't have much to say...

I murdered my definbachia to mom's instructions.... it's quite sad really. Don't know how it happened. Never had a plant commit suicide before.

Spent the day baking cookies and doing laundry. A true housewife I am.

Made some sun tea and it rained on it intensely for about ten minutes and then the sun came back out. So far, I'm the only person drinking it. Maybe Tom's afraid of what the rain may have done to it?

No cool animal sightings other than road kill. Lots of dumb raccoons around here these days. And possum. Lots of pretty finches at my feeders but the stupid finch food costs a million dollars. Don't those little birds know we're in a depressed economy?

Did I tell you guys that Tom and I saw Hancock, the new Will Smith movie? It was really good, silly but good. Ma and Pa may find it in their stocking this year!

I don't have anything all that interesting to say, gonna go buy some cigarettes now. Love to all. I'm sure I'll come up with something witty in the next day or two.

Back At Ya

Greetings, Well what have we been doing? It rained all day yesterday so we just hung around the house. Today we went over to little house and worked for about three hours. Raking leaves, burning branches, cleaned off the roof and cut the grass. Going back Thursday to try and finish up the outside.

Lori blackberry bread sounds wonderful. our woods are full of balckberries. have to fight the bears off to get my fair share. Ours are not quite ready to pick yet. Be another couple of weeks I think. We are going to pick blueberries in the next few days after we are done with our chores at little house. Lori you can come and pick blackberries at our place if you want. No heat and not humid. And then we have a great oven and you could make some bread if you want.

Jessie are you there? I know your there. Are you there? Huh, Huh are you there?

Well anyway we had some visitors in the back field Sunday. Picture added to photbucket. Sean do you hunt? Are woods are over run with deer. Come get them before they try to eat my garden. If it's not the birds or bugs it's some darn mammal. Mom sends her love to all. The Tatter Boy ps Jessie I got a copy of the Stand off of ebay. We watched the first part last night. Sunday we watched Untracable. Did not need to have the ending explained. We also watched Death at a Funeral. Very funny.


Greetings, if to no one else but myself. 
 Self: Well hello right back my darling Lorinda, how might you be today?
 Me: I'm so good, I couldn't stand it if I was any better! And you?
Self: I'm hanging right in there, thanks for asking.  So what's new with you?
Me: Not too much, worked today as an RA, cleaned some rooms, fed some people, 2 showers - both female today darn the luck, then went and got a Hep B shot, was going to pick blackberries but it was just too sticky outside.
Self: You still could have picked them.
Me: Well yeah, I could have. But it was hot and sticky. 
Self: So.....why were you going to pick them?
Me: I make a mean friendship bread. Really good with fresh blackberries. I'll get them tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow and don't make my bread till then anyway.  Plus it'll give me an excuse to get out of the house and not have to clean. Tired of cleaning.
Self: Sounds like a plan. You're pretty boring, you know that?
Me: Well, you're not a gaggle of laughs either!
Self: Go find someone else to chat with.
Me: Can't, they all have real lives, fun things to do, or just ran away!
Self: That's a crying shame, you're stuck with me then!
love to all!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Scared or Impressed

I'm really not sure how I should feel about the tree re-growing thing.  On one hand I admire the knowledge and experience to regrow, I can kill plastic flowers.  I really do love plants, I just have a bad habit of killing them.  But on the other hand, advising your daughter to take a knife and.....but then the thought of her doing it.......Jess, do you truly love my brother or do I need to make a phone call??  So here I am, done with work, short nap, switched off caffeine for the moment to the second beverage of choice.....koolaid. I still love my job. Wow that's weird to say. Even with the showers, the bodily messes (I start my hep shots tomorrow) and Evelyn, I still really really like it.  Although last night I was bored to tears. No room calls, no showers, no meals, nothing.  Connie and I mostly sat around last night, drank coffee and smoked. Did some cleaning here and there, some laundry and smoked.  Passed out Sunday papers and meds, and smoked.  Put that in a job description.  Jess, I did not know I would be doing all this when I signed up, but I volunteered for more hours. This gets me out of the kitchen and out with my little people who I am growing to love more everyday. Only 60 or so hours this week. You made me laugh with the dog thing Jess.  It reminds me of Thanksgiving with Seamane. Not that it was funny at the time but Avery has been in doggy training off and on since and still is having problems. Dog whisperer my ass. Mom, it was good to hear from you.  Also, as an avid reader and sometimes fan of the uni brow, I would definitely buy your book. Real life always makes for better stories.  Unfortunately you can't make this stuff up!  Love you all, do some chores, eat supper, back to bed, back to work. Jess kiss my brother for me, tell him I love him and will talk to him soon, I miss the boy!

Resurrecting the Dead D

Lee and Janey just left after a really nice visit for burgers, salad and raw fried potatoes. Lunch before Lee hits the road for Troy. Janey's staying until next Sunday or Monday and doing a new show in TC Friday and Saturday.

Take a steak knife into the bedroom, Jess. Raise it above your head in a threatening gesture. If the Diffenbachia (sp?) doesn't present immediately upright your choice is clear. Make an angled cut about 20"-24" below the leaf, keeping it as clean as possible, and cut every stalk down. Make sure the preserved stalk is straight and strong. What's left in the pot should be likewise cut down to appendages varying in height from 4" to 10"-12" above the soil and straight as well. Discard the leftovers. Keep the soil moist and put the rest into some sort of bucket filled with water somewhere else in the room. Time to start over.

Love, Ma

Bugs, humidity and other people's dogs

Lori, did you know that these responsibilities would be expected of you when you signed on for this job? I mean, I'm all for caring for the elderly.... but showering aged gentleman is something I'm not sure I'd be able to do! You're working a lot lady! Is it any better for you now? Ah, the new job sparkle, how quickly it fades!

As for bugs, dear father... you must battle them as if you were a Spartan! The food is at risk! Take those bugs down by any means necessary! By the way, the tree growing in your room is also at risk. I can't figure out how to make him happy. I can't spell the word definbachia (?) but somehow, after his miraculous growth, this is the summer that did him in. He leaning to the side, then fell completely over, breaking one of his limbs. I put that limb in a watering can, hoping to grow new roots but the papa tree is a complete mess. He has plenty of water but won't regain his turgor pressure. What to do???

On Wednesday, one of my friends came over and she brought her dog who's about a year old now. This was the longest amount of time he spent at my house and she thinks he is the best dog ever. The best trained, the smartest, a glowing example of canine goodness. She also believes that Frankie is a neurotic mess who I should put on doggie prozac. Helo peed in my house three times. He also ran away from her in our yard and she had to take off through my next door neighbor's yard where two attack dogs live to get her dog back. The coolest part was when Helo took off and Frankie, also off leash, just ran over to my side and sat there, watching the world's most perfect dog elude his owner. I got great satisfaction from it.

Not a whole lot to say.... we went out last night with another friend who is moving to Delaware in a week.... Tom's at work today and was supposed to be home an hour ago... so here I sit putzing around on the Internet biding my time, all chores accomplished.

Ma, if you have any advice about the tree, please pass it on.... I have no idea what I did to him! I swear I was watering him and I opened the windows enough to give him some ventilation but keep dad's room safe at the same time. Help!

I love you all and hope that things are maybe not so humid and full of mosquitoes where you are.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Breaking the Silence

Just a brief note to my three special ladies: Jess, Juana and Lori. Thank you all for the emotional support. Believe it or not it's been working well during waking hours. Unfortunately the other "half" of the day is spent with one foot in fuzz and the other in Stephan King's attic world. If I start writing this stuff down I could give that unibrow a run for his publishing buck. In this economy we should never discount potential for income!

Lori? What in the name of 'job descriptions' have you gotten yourself into???? You're preaching to the caffeine impregnated with all of us ('cept John), but so far reports of your new employment would be better endured with MUCH stronger drinks!!

We've been doing stuff. Putting one foot in front of the other. I saw little house yesterday, up close and personal, for the first time since a foot of compacted snow covered it, It's absolutely horrible outside. I wouldn't ask to see it. I'm in good company as it hasn't been shown since it went on the market April 1st.

Obviously, once the dripping leaks began to dry new changes occurred inside the place. For instance: the ceiling in the master bath has a full blown crack from the back edge of the ceiling, over the tub, to the doorway. One half of the ceiling is at least 1/4" lower than the other side of the crack.

Three full-grown hardwoods blew over and are leaning on everything else still standing. Branches are down everywhere. The grass is dead. The pile of debris in the open space we paid $3,000 to clear is as high and wide and deep as the trailer and you can't see the clearing at all. The house is black on all the fascia with mildew. Every flower bed is unidentifiable due to last winter's leaves. It's the poster child for "trailer trash." Just when you thought things could't get worse.

So anyway. S'posed to rain the next couple of days. We'll go over there, hearts and major yard tools in hand, Tuesday and Wednesday, and as long as it takes. Not sure just what to do about the bathroom. Spackle won't cut it on this one.

So again. Thanks to you three girls. And my love always. Ma

Long live caffine

Okay, I recognize, admit, and now fully accept my addiction to caffeine. Sugar we'll talk about another time, but for now it's caffeine. It's 9:00pm on Saturday night and I'm now drinking Saturday morning coffee.  Sure I could brew a fresh pot but that might take precious moments away and this is strong!!  I have agreed to work the 11-7 shift tonight. Just got the phone call around 7. So must drink!  Obviously I am not working in the kitchen, nope, I'm on the floor.  Trained on the floor as an RA (resident assistant, basically an uncertified cna, do all the same things) Wed 7-3, then worked the 3-11 shift that same night, cooked Thursday, cooked Friday, then worked 5:30-11, off today, and then the phone call.  Boss offered me $50 if I'd work (hell, what can I say? I'm a cheap date) so I told her I'd be there, but only as a pulse. She accepted. Silly girl!!  So hopefully a pretty boring night. No room cleanings or showers (oh yeah!! I gave my first shower Wed. To Jerry. It's not as much fun as you might think.  I didn't realize those things would gravitate so low?!  Is this true for all men?  Your input, John?) So other than that, my life has been pretty mundane. Yard sales today with no good hits. John, have you tried spraying the garden with a diluted dish soap/water solution?  It works for the aphids on the roses, it worked on the tomatoes although Sean did use dish soap with bleach and that did kind of burn them. The bugs are gone though. And as for the m&ms, the only thing to do is eat them now, eat them all tonight before the bugs get them! Kisses and love to all, I'll be thinking of you while you sleep, I'll be thinking of you Jess as you don't sleep.

Bugs, Bugs Everywhere Bugs

Well we took art work to Vigland Gallery on Thursday. So mom has art work for sale there. Yesterday we went to the Lilly Farm and spent some time with Di and Don. Had a nice visit. Mom left one of her welcome signs and some fliers for Di to put in her gift shop. Spent some time wandering around Di's gardens and left with some plants. Had a nice chat with uncle Joe Saturday morning and all is well with him and Aunt Maggie. They are going to come up soon for a visit. Next week we have to go over to little house and clean up the yard and make a repair inside. I think we fixed the leak in the roof as there has been a ton of rain and evrything has stayed nice and dry.

And now to the veggie garden. Tomatoes, squash, egg plants and melons doing well. Peppers not. Had to add a bunch of organic matter because the soil is so sandy. Ok it was cow poop. Got everything growing except the peppers. Guess peppers are not into the charms of cow poop. Now that the birds have departed the garden BUGS have arrived. I wanted to keep the garden as organic as possible but I think this may call for some chemical warfare.

Earwicks have arrived also. To my great surprise I pulled the handle on the m&m container and got some m&ms and an earwick. Glad I looked before I popped the m&ms in my mouth. Perhaps some chemical warfare is in the future in the house also.

Well after we take care of little house early next week we are going up into Sleeping Bear to paddle around on Otter Lake and take a picnic. Today we are going to an art fair or is that faire in Elberta and perhaps just wander about for awhile.

We watched to movie Dejavu last night. Guess I'm going to have to have some explaining of the end of the movie. Kind of like Lake House. To quote the grandma I'm so confussed. Also have Untraceable to watch and Death at a Funeral. The Video Place is hiring so I might get a job there so I can get free movies. Pictures of Otter lake later and I'm off to do some chemical warefare in the garden before we take off for the day. Live Long and Prosper.

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Okay, am I in the midst of some kind of familly estrangement that I just need to bow out of for awhile and let things happen?  I'm lost, which is fine, I don't need to know details, but let's all try and get along, kay?
Love you all!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Velvet Underground

Jess and Lori. Love you both and the relationships you have with those men of yours.

Not to worry, Jess. You will never be asked to intercede or referee.

We have been summarily "put in our place" for being concerned about our future. I've been in this place for most of my life and will survive it again. My "family" continues to disappear expedentially. I'll be on hiatus for a while and probably not too responsive. I'll check in periodically and see what you guys are up good I'm guessing!

Be well. Love to Tommy and Sean. Ma

blah blah blah

Lori, once upon a time I was the kind of girl who remembered the birthday's of my pets. I remembered the date of the first time a boy asked me out. I remembered not only all of my family members birthdays but also how old I was.... then I met your brother. Somehow, he has sucked my ability to remember ANYTHING as far as dates are concerned. Someone asked me the other day how long I had been married and I wasn't sure what the answer was to that question. Please forgive me that I did not wish you a fond and happy anniversary. I have no excuse for these oversights other than to say that Tom and I must only live for the moment.... god only knows how old we are or when we got married, what day the trash goes out or who scooped the litter boxes last, when we need oil changes or how long ago we adopted Levi.... you get the point. At least I make it to work on time every day and pay my bills on time, although I must admit that during the school year it often takes me ten full minutes to figure out where I'm supposed to be on any given day. Mom, dad, close your eyes.... I blame it fully on whatever I was smoking in high school.

As for my mom and dad.... your son has received his letter and I intend fully on staying on the neutral side of that argument. If we can limit our conversation of him to the following: is he still alive? yes. I'll be happy with that. Can't pick sides and although I know neither of you intend for me to either have to pick or relay messages, I'm not playing those games. If he plans on writing me off then bully to him, screw him. You guys are the only family I have and although Tom seems ok with listening to his nonsense, I am not. I have officially removed myself from the situation. Toilet paper, indeed.

Now, how about those Tigers?

I love you all and I hope the summer is treating you all well. Dad, as usual, your pictures are lovely. There do seem to be a large quantity of turtles on Loon Lake, yes? I hope your super secret project is coming along well and that your art tour is in full, positive, swing. X's and O's, that Jess kid.

Happy Tuesday!

Hey John, what beautiful pictures.  How long were y'all out there for? You could take some beautiful pictures here in the mountains, hint hint.  Thanks for the well wishes. We had a great day.  Ate ourselves sick at a great little restaurant called Bayou Bay. Great Cajun seafood restaurant. Sean almost did get sick, a couple too many dozen raw oysters. Laid around groaning the rest of the day.  So much for finding out if oysters truly are an aphrodisiac! They're good for making a belly grumble is all I know! I'm making a friendship bread today. Instead of it being cinnamon, I picked some wild blackberries and am trying that. The other batch I put in chocolate pudding and chips and some Kahlua. That one's mine!! Tomorrow I'll find 3 unsuspecting victims that I haven't roped into this never ending chain letter of baking.  People are starting to hide when they see me. Good riddance! Have a great day and I'll talk to you later, more laundry to go hang out.

Monday, July 14, 2008

I'll Second That

Happy Day to Sean and Lori. Got the weather station up and working today. Added some mulch to the garden. Mom's working on an art project. Jessie and Tom hope you had a great day at the art fair. Pictures below of our trip to Loon Lake in Sleeping Bear.

Happy DAY Sean and Lori!

What a wonderful account of your special day. I actually feel as 'tho we WERE there. Fourteen years turns into thirty-six in a heartbeat. When you look back on those bad times they never seem quite so difficult as they did at the moment. It's like'd NEVER have a second kid if you truly remembered birthing that first one!

We're having a pretty good day, finally. One of the most depressing troubles of the past 33-years had a temporary reprieve today and we'll hang onto that good thought for as long as we can.

Getting ready to go hat/heart and artwork in hand to the galleries who promised an interest in my stuff. We'll make that leap tomorrow. Just finishing up some details today. Not to worry about me 'tho. If they turn me down I've got PLENTY of wine to offset the trauma of rejection. Never expose yourself without a fall-back position.

John is talking to the cats in the background and distracting me. Seems he failed to latch the utility door into the garage earlier today and Tigger lead the pilgrimmage to the open garage. At seven and eight pounds, respectively, either one of them wouldn't even qualify as a cayote snack. Pooh's not usually as brain dead as her sister, but today was an exception. Feline Alzheimer's exists.

Another gorgeous day in the north, but still a little too chilly for the beach. Feels more like May than July. Be good kids. Love, Ma

Does time really fly?

14 years ago at this moment, I was frantically trying to paint my nails and blowing on them to dry. It didn't work.  They were smudged and fingerprinted. I gave up the dream of beautiful nails for this day and went to check on the decorations seeing as we were pretty shebanged on watermelon soaked with vodka 12 hours previously.  They had fallen.  I get Kerrie to help me while Sean is running around doing his last minute things and trying not to be seen by him.  It doesn't work and I fear I will be cursed forever by tempting the fates.  It starts to rain, which any normal person would cry at but I am overjoyed.  In my twisted reality, rain on this day is good luck which now cancels out the bad luck at Sean seeing me. We're on even ground again, no bad and no good but even ground. I can handle that. Where am I going with this?  It is mine and Sean's 14th anniversary.  The one day each and every year I ask Sean multiple times "What were we doing this time on our wedding day?" Corny I know. Every year this day comes I remember different items I stored away as a horrid memory of that day and now it isn't so bad. It adds character to the story I tell. Getting the invitations with the address to the Lodge given as the "place" only to have Sean's mom tell us no and having to cross out and rewrite where we moved it to. Waiting in a hot van outside for Donny the best man to show up, gave up on him, bumped everyone up in position which worked out wonderful because my favorite brother got to be in the ceremony. Lisa giving me a valium for my panic attack and her running to give Sean half. Lori says take this, he pops it in is mouth in front of the preacher without ever asking what it was, a prediction of my future as his pharmacist. My dad singing "The Wedding Song" by Peter Yarrow in the most beautiful voice until I turned to look at him and his voice cracks (he had fought me for years about singing at my wedding and I love him for giving in to me) I had to turn away, teared up myself, went to wipe my nose ever so discretely forgetting I was wearing a veil and spent the rest of the ceremony staring at the snot covered sections waiting for Sean's mother to stand up when asked does anyone have a reason for these two not to be joined (everyone looked at his mother at that point). And finally after being pronounced husband and wife and Sean lifting my veil to give me our first kiss as a married couple, ever so tender, no slobbering, puts the veil back down over my face covering me back up. All the tragic events that happened 14 years ago are now romanticized and held so dear to me, especially with the loss of Kerrie last year.  I do adore him, I even like him which I think is more important. He is my best friend. He makes me laugh more than cry and we've been through good and bad with much more to come. Since I had no knowledge of people I would come to call my extended family, I wanted to share with you.  I wish you could have been there. It was a pretty good day. Happy Monday to you all!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

My dad hears voices in his head

Dad, was it the voices in your head, or the dog who told you to name the car Ola Pingie? What, pray tell, does Ola Pingie mean to you? Explain yourself!

I am so glad that you guys got to spend some time on the water.... you need to get more of that in before the summer ends! I seriously think that dad has a career ahead of him in nature photography. Those bird shots are amazing. I got some cool shots of an ancient barn on five mile while on a walk but haven't tried wildlife as of yet. We have some great birds at the feeders right now, last Sunday I spent a good portion of my day upside down on the couch staring at them. Need to get some more thistle, though, it attracts the prettiest birds. The lillies I put in the ditch two falls ago finally are blooming. They have spread quite a bit and now there's four plants instead of the two I planted. I thought I had killed them, but Tom showed them to me tonight and they're lovely! Yay lillies!

Lori, man, what are you to do? I seriously wonder if there's a person out there who has found the job that makes them happy. You are amazing at what you do and there has to be someone who will appreciate you for that. I'm so sorry.... if we won the lotto, none of us would have to deal with that crap at all!

As for my job, I think I've spent the last week in the twilight zone. First the glowing review from my shelter manager on Tuesday and today.... oh today. Todd, aka new receiving Nazi hired to replace me, the man who was trying to get me OUT of receiving..... well, he told me today that he needs me to be his backup when he's not there. That he appreciates the work I have done for the last eight years and that receiving NEEDS me. That he doesn't think I should go to the clinic. He actually has a plan to keep me out of the clinic. Man, I need to lay off the crack because this was a guy who a few weeks ago told me that he can't run receiving with me working there. The man who facilitated my move to the clinic against my will. Who are these people and who snatched the original versions of them? One week my job is in jeopardy and the next they're kissing my ass to keep me there. I must have done something especially good this week. Anyway, I may not have to work in the hole they call the clinic, nt sur how Todd can pull that off, but I'll roll with it if it happens.

Tomorrow Tom and I are going to the Royal Oak art fair. We're actually leaving the house together and not to go to the grocery store or Target! I'm excited cause I'm hoping to find a wealth of gifts there.... merry christmas everyone! This one starts as early as possible! I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

Hey, did I tell you... the birds dumped a feeder full of sunflower seeds and since it's been so rainy they rooted and now we have a TON of sunflower babies popping up next to the house. This is going to be good summer for sure.

If I were rich, I'd hire a maid, no joke. Scoop the boxes, dust, vacuum, water the plants and clean the toilets. I'd buy a Dyson pet hair remover vacuum and everything. Then, after a 70 hour work week I wouldn't have to drip sweat around my house on my day off... the maid would be well paid to do it. I'd buy Tommy a cj-5 and find us a house in the country that we could now afford to remodel because we were rich. And I'd buy a golden retriever and a Bernese mountain dog from a breeder. Yes, a breeder. That's about it. Oh, and I'd get my dad his buddy holly glasses. And maybe the scooter cause you have to have a scooter if you have buddy holly glasses. Love to all!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Lori, OLA PINGIE????

I didn't realize John had blogged. Here's a clue: He speaks NO foreign language. We don't even want to speculate where he found 'ola pingie'...just in case our hard drive is ever confiscated!

No one wishes more than I do that there is no end to the 'sweetheart' period of a new job. I made it almost six months with the last evaluation given stating that I was "conscientious, hard working and had remarkable attention to detail." Then I walked in to the job I truly needed and was told "you misdirected two interoffice emails. You should have known better. There've been complaints. It's not working." Keep in mind that I was one of five people in the office. If you discount ME I apparently offended half the office with emails I could have printed, folded into airplanes and FLOWN the five feet to the other, complaining, two people.

I'm still raw on this issue and it happened March 26. Keep in mind, Lori, that I was ALWAYS friendly, joking and still professional. Didn't matter. Wish I could go back and actually scream at the SOB's what I was REALLY thinking and feeling. Don't take a back seat to assholes unless you're truly forced by need of that particular job. Well, that's bad advice. Wasn't the reason I WAS so nice because I needed that job??? I'm so sorry. You were so excited about this being a positive step. And I can't find any other employment as perfect for my qualifications as the job that's gone. Seem's as 'tho each of us is so specifically disposed to the types of work we'll be hired to do and actually succeed at in the process.

Jess, we composed our sixth letter in seven days to your brother. This one was typed and rational. The others were hand-written in block letters three inches high with triple underlines. The first five letters are on top of the shredder. We mailed the new one today. ALSO TODAY! Gassed up the always-hungry Gypsy, loaded the kayaks on top and spent the afternoon floating on Loon Lake. We're sunburned and I'm a little "upper-body challenged" after I realized that the same lovely wind that helped propel me across the water would fight me all the way back to the loading dock. Tomorrow, TC again. Sunday we'll try the beach at Point Betsie.

Next week: more secret stuff.

Jess, I misread the Ritchie Rich question. I would design the most OUTRAGEOUSLY INTENSE landscaping around this entire house anyone had EVER conceived and hire 75 contractors to do it all exactly to my specifications! Then I'd go to NY and spend anything I wanted on a whole new wardrobe. I'd finish the lower level the same way millionaires might consider. Notice I never mentioned hiring contractors to get even with any number of deserving people! They wouldn't let me wear my new NY clothes in prison. And jail cells probably don't get the same cross-ventilation we do here.

Love to you guys. Every day and night. Ma

Ola, okay, Pingie, huh???

Where in the world did that name come from?  The Ola is kinda cool, but Ola Pingie? Please to explain.  I think the honeymoon period at work has reached it's climactic end. All over floor mopping.  Evelyn (the executive director) asked me if I had mopped a certain area, I said no, she asked why, I explain that I wasn't told that was my area but I would make sure it was done from now on.  She wanted to know who told me I didn't have to do it.  I reply that it was actually two people who told me that others were to do it but it wasn't a big deal, I would be happy to do it. I thought the situation was over, silly silly girl.  The next day at our meeting (we have a stand up everyday at 9:00) we do our stuff and at the end enlightens everyone that Lori was misinformed of her duties during her training.  Tells what I haven't been doing.  And then tells everyone that if they see Lori doing something she shouldn't be doing, stop her as well as if I'm not doing something I should be doing, correct it that way she doesn't always have to be the bad guy. Then asked if anyone had any other input to add.  Someone commented that my earrings were bigger than a quarter (huh?) and it's in the handbook they can't be (they weren't- I put a quarter against them and it's not in the handbook) I said nothing, I'm still new and learning "my place". So along with the public humiliation and dress critique, today the menu was "disgusting". And how could I serve that? I calmly explained I was not the dining room manager and therefore did not make the menu nor did I do the ordering. She would have to take it up with Marc.  This went on for 15 minutes.  I finally asked her if she was going to change the menu she needed to do it pretty damn soon as I had 20 minutes before I was to serve dinner.  A little late to be deciding it was disgusting, and that she didn't have to eat it if she didn't like it.  Sigh. Which is worse, a malicious gossiping hurtful bitch for a boss or an anal retentive micro manager?  I think the latter.  My Richie Rich dream.......scuba diving in fiji and eating my way through Greece without any grape leaves. Thanks for letting me vent, Love to you all!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Ets Here

Well if there were unlimited funds I'd have a Scooooooter with a sidecar and some Buddy Holly glasses and maybe an unsupervised night with ........................ Well the scooter would be cool. Hey Lori name the car Ola Pingie and be done with it. So more pictures found below. And the question for today............If a tree fell in the lake would all the bullfrogs croak or move to Dublin Ohio?

Long Tatter Dad

Wednesday, July 9, 2008


You GO girl! Maybe karma truly is out there! FU definitely stands for more than "Felix Unger" in the Odd Couple. You can apply it to any "boss" so deserving, and I believe you have one.

As much as I love Tommy, Myrtle stinks. It doesn't get ANY better/worse than Elsie Mae. Tommy's important to me too, Lori, but he's just wrong this time! And I must also mention that the miscreant "son" has made no contact. Lori, if we had only known, it ALWAYS should have been Jason left under the picnic table. Only problem is, we like Lou and Elaine too much to have dumped such a burden on them.

We went back to TC this morning and got an early start. I was so very grateful that the asshole next door began mowing grass on his tractor, outside our bedroom windows, before 7 a.m. I personally thanked him using terms of affectionate endearment as I stormed out of bed.

ANYwhoo. We got some more stuff for the continuation of our secret project. Jess, you can have a pool on the day you promise to live here and clean the damned thing daily. Actually, if you lived here I might move heaven, earth and a hole in the ground to create a pool just for you! It's said that everyone has their price!

Got a GREAT card and pix from South Lyon today. That Grand-dog of ours sure is a cutie. Did that rainbow erupt out of the cemetery fluids flowing through your backyard? Your new glasses are cool. And I'm taking your word that you guys were truly cute for the wedding. With a picture from the neck to forehead it's hard to decide for sure, but I'm taking you at your word.

Hope this might help you solidify your west coast visitation plan...couldn't seem to avoid it the last two days. We ducked the virus last year. Need to tell you that infection is imminent if you visit us on August 4-6, well, afternoon on the fourth through afternoon on the sixth. Fred's coming. If I knew a priest I'd have this ground consecrated immediately as a precaution. What the hell does Kirk think she'll accomplish by making her husband, and US, so miserable if even for two days? Telling myself, as I have all my life, "there's nothing you can't live through for (unknown number here)." It always worked in the past. Maybe a bedroom without walls and a concrete floor will be impetus enough to head back north.

Finally. What would I obtain if I was Richie Rich. I'd love to be healthy again. I'd LOVE to outwalk my husband and my daughter even 'tho I'm short. Want to walk that beach for miles, like I used to do. I want to delight in the surprising and marvelous 'things' I put in my little pail during that walk, and take home as my own treasures. Of course there are HUGE numbers of events I'd change if I could. But that's not what you asked, Jess.

I love you and Tommy so very much. Lori, can you finally come and live at MY house? I miss all of you. Ma

Is there anyone out there???

Hello Lori... I hope you still love your new job, and have you picked a name for the new ride yet? I think I heard Tom suggest Myrtle... that sounds like a good one to me. How's the Roxy dog doing? Must have been the salmon, huh?

Ma and Pa.... I know for certain that you are up to no good in that wilderness of yours! Secret project indeed. What is this secret project you speak of? Are you building a bomb shelter with two thousand outlets? Is it a tree house for Tom and I to sleep in when we come to visit? I know! You're putting in a pool, one shovel full of sand at a time! I've always wanted a pool!!!

I had my review yesterday, first one in about two years. Surprisingly, after the drama earlier this year, it went incredibly well. Turns out, my new boss has no power to axe me. Turns out I may have the big boss in my back pocket. He asked me to give the clinic a try, just two days a week, but if it doesn't feel right, even after just a few days, I go right back to receiving. He actually values my hard work and had some nice things to say! Go Jess! What a massive turn around from nearly being fired! I think he's been snatched by a pod person, but man, I'll take it! Take that Todd!!! (Todd being my new boss) You go right ahead and be threatened by strong women.... the BIG boss says I'm doing good! Ha!

So here's a question for you all... if you came into a sudden windfall of money, what's the first thing you'd buy? Forget your bills, family members and any charity you feel akin to. You now have enough money to never worry again. What's the one luxury item you have always wanted? What would you go Ritchie Rich over? Enquiring minds want to know....

Ok, I'm gonna get some dinner started. I know, I know, it's only eight o'clock, but there's preparations to be done! I love you all!!!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Kensington fireworks

Well, while I was on the phone with you Ma, Tommy was trying to get the wagoneer started. It didn't. So we unpacked the waggie and got in Joe instead. We decided to make the trek to Kensington anyhow cause we'd pretty much done nothing important all day and wanted to attempt to celebrate the fourth. Cause we're so patriotic. So we motored off and got within a mile of Kensington, where we realized that there wasn't a chance in hell we were going to gain entrance to the park. Traffic was backed up past Kent Lake Road. So we made an executive decision to get off and follow some of the other sad sacks who made their fourth plans late into the night, as had we. We found a stellar spot off of the highway where we were sure we'd be able to see the fireworks over the trees. And then the show began. All we could do was laugh hysterically because although we could theoretically SEE the fireworks, they were hidden behind a large stand of pine trees. From our vantage point the trees were set on fire and put out every few seconds. It's one of the more idiotic things Tom and I have done in our time together. We stayed for the whole show, waiting patiently for the grand finale which we were CERTAIN we would be able to see, there was no way those explosives wouldn't be grand and tall. We were wrong. In the end. we had a great time anyway, as is our nature... just cause we're a bit off in the head.

I too miss Dad's display. Nothing, not even the hidden fireworks put on by Livingston county parks and rec, beats an evening being eaten alive by Michigan mosquitoes while fearing for my father's digits. We always had a good time, didn't we? I've never been in a parade, but those fourth of july parties with George and grandpa were always special. And then, when Pappy had passed, the day was even more special because Jim and Juana could be a part of our fun. I know this is a hard time of the year for you ma, just remember that there are still tons of good times to be had and that Jim and Grandpa are hanging out somewhere, probably at opposite ends of wherever they are, talking about the great parties the Shellhaas' throw. It's always going to be different than it was, but at least "the whistler" and "miss nebraska" are no longer willing parts of our vocabulary. Hey, I might even try to rustle up some cheap ass sparklers tomorrow and spin around and around in the yard and think about driving around in our pajamas late at night on the fourth looking for any leftover fireworks that Plymouth might have to offer. In the pinto. Oh, the memories.... do you remember that?

I miss you guys a lot. I wish we could get up there more often but in order to keep a roof over our heads, we must work. There is little we can do about that unfortunately. We'll have to make new memories when we can and think fondly of the ones we have trapped in our melons and try not to let those memories make us sad. They're happy times! Not supposed to make us sad! Good times should never make us sad!!!! End sermon now. XXXXOOOOO

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Fourth, Again

Personal note: So very GLAD it's "again" 'cause I'm not really fond of the alternative.

It's almost 2 p.m. and John's going in and out the garage door doing imitations of the Dad in "A Christmas Story." I'd better (finally) make an appearance on the outside of this house before he uses the true soap-in-the-mouth word, so I'll just be brief (ho, ho, ha, ha).

We've both been thinking about this day since early morning. Every single year, growing up, I'd have awakened on an ancient feather mattress in the attic of an old farmhouse, enjoying the 115 degree ambient temp in the room and the 150 degree temp exuding from that miserable mattress. If it was the Fourth we were in Iowa. My Dad, first born son would arrive two days before to celebrate his July 3rd Birthday with his family. They were extremely tight knit and often the sense of foreboding as we closed in on the compound was close to cardiac arrest. It was hard fitting in out there.

On my 17th Fourth of July I was the star of the American Legion float in the Plymouth parade. I wore a bikini under the ponderous robes, held my right arm in the air for literally 2 1/2 hours, and frankly wanted to murder the three-man honor guard facing me on the float, headed by, who else? My Father. We DID win first place. We DID make the front page of the Plymouth Observer (above the fold, no less), and eventually, I regained circulation throughout my body. Needless to say, I avoid parades on this day at all costs.

When we bought the family homestead in 1979 John and I began our own tradition. We had cook-outs that got larger and larger as all our families grew. Toward the end of our stay there we had our very own family reunion every Fourth, punctuated at the end with JOHN'S FIREWORKS!!! The obligatory "oohs and aahs" just made him beam. We could see the local fireworks from our front yard after all our family had headed home.

We haven't done a single thing on the Fourth since we've lived here. Although we have friends in the neighborhood on this day, and we DO see them at least once during the long weekend, we haven't gone to the fireworks with them...kind of a closed group for that event. The day, by contrast, just doesn't evoke anticipation anymore.

Lori, I'm guessing your day at work may be coming to an end soon and since I haven't heard any news flashes I'm guessing that your "big bang theory" was so amazing the information is being withheld until a major newscast tonight! Jeez girl, if Katie had just read your blog a crew would have been on sight just to interview the amazing woman capable of envisioning such an event!!! I'm absolutely certain that you've made the day totally memorable for all attending.

Well, Jess, think your plans for the day are a little over the top for our abilities. The movie part sounds good. And I DO need a haircut too. Think I'll go check on the old man. For some reason I've been hiding out in here since his arrival. I don't go outside much when he's not here, but this is bordering on the ridiculous now. John adores it out there and is out all day, every day. Even in the rain.

Lots of love to all. Happy Day. Ma

Happy Crash Boom Bang Day!

Howdy all! Lori.... I wish you luck on your Fourth of July grilling. I have nothing but confidence in you skills.... there shall be NO flying hot dogs or injured elderly..... it will be true!

Those are some good names for the new car, good call on that ma!

Parentals.... is there the typical fourth of July shebang at casa de Shellhaas? My big plans include (possibly) going to the mall to get my hair cut, doing laundry, vacuuming and reading a bit. Maybe a movie later with Tom. That should be fun.

I really didn't have much to say, just that I love you all and I hope everyone has a GREAT fourth of July! Can you believe June is over already?????

Insomnia strikes again

Oh the life of leisure, to go to bed at 3:00 instead of waking up at that time. Sigh. I can't remember what it's like. Full pot of coffee already gone and I'll be peeing for that all day long. Art therapy? Wow, I can see that! That would be such an amazing, nurturing place for you to be. I concur with momma Judy. Don't let it be a regret. If that's what you think you want to be when you grow up, then be it. I wish I had your perseverance and drive. I have the ambition but not the patience to follow it through. Have I told you how much I admire you? Not just lip service. I truly do.  I love being on this page.  Not only do I get to communicate with John and Judy, I get to know you on a whole different level.  I love you all the more! As for the names for the car.  I love them and I love the reasons behind them.  They do suck as names for humans, born instant grandmothers weren't they? They are definitely in my top two right now, for the name, the meanings behind them and the people behind them. Well, I do believe I'm ready for bed now but it's time to get ready for work. I get to cook out in the courtyard today. Great combination. Me, a gas grill, flag decorated chef's hat and apron and an audience.  Whoo hooo! Can't wait for this one. Watch the national news for "Patriotic cook blows up assisted living facility.  Hot dogs body parts and mayhem.  But first a look at gas grill safety!" Followed by, "She seemed like an intelligent girl, who would have known? Back to you Katie?"  Love Kisses and a wonderfully happy and SAFE 4Th to everyone!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hello my baby T-Baller!

Don't know whether Dad's read your blog yet. It's gettin' kind of late and I'll remind him in the morning. Again, thank you for all the help you give him with his personal shopping. As I told you on the phone, often your efforts to help collapse and you're somehow left to deal with fallout from kindness.

If I was 30-years-old again, with the experience you've already earned and the potential for where you're headed, I wouldn't hesitate to launch into credentials for so rewarding a career as art therapy. You proved when you were 16 or 17 that you had the patience, concern and understanding to teach adults. You also have an amazing range of artistic outlook to offer new concepts as you might determine are required in specific cases. Please, investigate.

Don't do a "Judy" and look back on where you might have gone. I had so many choices. The only one I'll never regret I believe I'm talking to now. And too, there's your predecessor. Whoever that guy has grown into, I adore him as well. My best work is still out there, evolving.

Love you more than anything, Ma

Alone, at last

John just shifted off to bed. Neither of us could sleep last night. I hit the sack at 3 a.m. and John somewhere around 4 a.m. after a really great evening beginning with a late dinner at a local eatery called the "Cabbage Shed" with eight other people, half of whom were brand new acquaintances. It had been a wonderful visit but we just couldn't get tired.

Lori, the good news is that John (the King of revisionist history, which he groomed Jason to be the standard bearer for this generation) has gone to bed now. He's finally tired. UNFORTUNATELY, after he destroyed my remarkable expose tome to you, I can't seem to reacquire and forward to you as he was an AMAZING revelation concerning your entrance into this particular life and just how Tommy is, in fact, the product of Lou and Elaine (and therefore safe as Jess's husband, our son-in-law and also your brother). John's training in anonymity is so genetically entrenched that he'll deny his link to you, and subsequent accountability, to the end of time. I'll have to send you more covert info as I'm able. Be well, my first born!

As for that Benz....I have two suggestions for naming her, and both are of some importance to me. Elsie Mae was an immoveable, entrenched and dynamic matriach, not always politically (or OTHERWISE) correct, but good luck to anyone who suggested she might be wrong. As long as you agreed with her doctrine you were protected against the world. And if you DISagreed, she could bring the world down on you and crush you like a slug.

My second suggestion: Nellie Mable. Tiny, quiet, unassuming and gentile. But threatening someone she loved turned her into a lethal, predatory huntress, protector of everything she held dear and willing to defend that affection to the death. These two women are Jess's great grandmothers. Sure feel an affinity with each of these ladies. I don't think I'd be the same person without the two of them in my life. For human women, those two names suck. But for the Benz???? Maybe?

Thanks for the wonderful blog and the photos too.

Love forever to both you and Sean, Ma

Hidey ho

Hello all... papa, I have emailed the seller of the personal shopper item and was told that that item was shipped to the correct address. I've sent it to Amazon and they'll probably refund our money. I think it prudent to pay full price and get a copy from Amazon or the bookstore.... let me know if you want me to order a copy from the world's largest online bookstore and I shall. I'll get your money to you as soon as the issue is resolved....

That aside... how are y'all? The front yard is flooded, soon I will need to build an ark. I'm on the lookout for a llama and a giraffe or two, so if anyone has any leads on these types of animals, let me know.

I hate my job. Nothing new there. Was encouraged by one of our old vets to just take the plunge and get out while I'm still young.... and relatively sane. She claims it takes approximately three months for the ulcers to go away and then you just enter a stage of euphoria and can't quit smiling. And she was only at the shelter for three years! Imagine how it would feel after eight!

That being said, I have been thinking about a conversation dad and I had about art therapy. I looked into it and if I take psychology as a minor and jump right into grad work in occupational therapy, there are tons of job out there for art therapists. I would need to be certified, but I can do that while working on grad studies. Just food for thought. It would be so fulfilling to work with autistic children using art methods. Or Alzheimer's patients. Would fill the obvious need I have to hug trees and help people without dealing with nonprofit politics. Plus, there are programs at both St Joe's and U of M hospitals. This could mean great pay and AWESOME benefits.

That's my story for now. I found a position at an art center in Kalamazoo for an entry level art assistant starting at $27,000 a year. That's not TOO far is it? Hmm.... what is there in Kalamazoo for Tom to do? It's closer to Frankfort..... just kidding, we're not moving to K-Zoo, but would it be so bad?????

I love you!

How to post, 101

Open Blogspot..... type in, or enter blogspot in a search. Save this site to your favorites. Anyway....
Read old posts, giggle or marvel over them, click leave comment and then, well, leave a comment. Keep in mind that the comment itself does not show up in the blog, only a notification that there is, indeed, a comment attached to a particular post.
Click new post. Type for a while. Spellcheck. Then click publish post at the bottom of the screen.
Not sure how you keep losing your posts lady! New post, type, publish post.

PS, we lost our game last night but I got on base all three times I was at bat! Woo Hoo! We play some good softball!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pictures of the car

 So, here's the story for the uninformed. My family (well actually my adoptive father) has the long standing tradition of naming our automobiles, (no I don't know why, we just do, that's what Van's do) so my new car is a 300d, 1977 benz. Nice old lady car, good and boxy which I love. Sean found it on Craig's list for $400, (which I love more) and he is fixing it. That would be his arm in the trunk already at it. So the challenge I am offering to you, is dig deep down to your soul and find the name that fits the car. As I mentioned, dad offered Daisy, someone told me the car was "purdy" and that's where I'm at.  Past names for benz's were Mabel, (mother's always bring extra love) Essie (it was a SE series) and Sean's benz was named  nothing,(he says it was named "seansbenz). They were all lost in tragic events that we walked away from, but need a name for preparation of the memorial service.  I saw the remainders of Essie yesterday. Went to see Jason at the benz fixer uppers. Local shadetree mechanics who are great guys.  They worked on mom and dad's car when they were stuck here at Thanksgiving. I had to pay up on the deal I made Jason, "Hurry up and get their car fixed, and I'll bring you a buttload off cookies." I'm not sure how much a buttload is, but he seemed happy with the amount I brought him.  Anyway, I digress. Anyhow, they've stripped the poor girl to the bone, taken all parts off her for the selling.  They could at least offer her a tarp to cover herself.  Hence a nice line of credit at the benz place.  Here are pictures of the newest addition now located in the great room downstairs. Dig deep into the vast name bank and thing of something.  Winners will be notified and publicly acknowledged.  Maybe receive a buttload of cookies to replace the dwindled amount of brain cells it took to complete the process and a reward for finishing this wordy email!!  Love to all!