Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is there anyone out there???

Hello Lori... I hope you still love your new job, and have you picked a name for the new ride yet? I think I heard Tom suggest Myrtle... that sounds like a good one to me. How's the Roxy dog doing? Must have been the salmon, huh?

Ma and Pa.... I know for certain that you are up to no good in that wilderness of yours! Secret project indeed. What is this secret project you speak of? Are you building a bomb shelter with two thousand outlets? Is it a tree house for Tom and I to sleep in when we come to visit? I know! You're putting in a pool, one shovel full of sand at a time! I've always wanted a pool!!!

I had my review yesterday, first one in about two years. Surprisingly, after the drama earlier this year, it went incredibly well. Turns out, my new boss has no power to axe me. Turns out I may have the big boss in my back pocket. He asked me to give the clinic a try, just two days a week, but if it doesn't feel right, even after just a few days, I go right back to receiving. He actually values my hard work and had some nice things to say! Go Jess! What a massive turn around from nearly being fired! I think he's been snatched by a pod person, but man, I'll take it! Take that Todd!!! (Todd being my new boss) You go right ahead and be threatened by strong women.... the BIG boss says I'm doing good! Ha!

So here's a question for you all... if you came into a sudden windfall of money, what's the first thing you'd buy? Forget your bills, family members and any charity you feel akin to. You now have enough money to never worry again. What's the one luxury item you have always wanted? What would you go Ritchie Rich over? Enquiring minds want to know....

Ok, I'm gonna get some dinner started. I know, I know, it's only eight o'clock, but there's preparations to be done! I love you all!!!

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