Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Greetings, if to no one else but myself. 
 Self: Well hello right back my darling Lorinda, how might you be today?
 Me: I'm so good, I couldn't stand it if I was any better! And you?
Self: I'm hanging right in there, thanks for asking.  So what's new with you?
Me: Not too much, worked today as an RA, cleaned some rooms, fed some people, 2 showers - both female today darn the luck, then went and got a Hep B shot, was going to pick blackberries but it was just too sticky outside.
Self: You still could have picked them.
Me: Well yeah, I could have. But it was hot and sticky. 
Self: So.....why were you going to pick them?
Me: I make a mean friendship bread. Really good with fresh blackberries. I'll get them tomorrow. I'm off tomorrow and don't make my bread till then anyway.  Plus it'll give me an excuse to get out of the house and not have to clean. Tired of cleaning.
Self: Sounds like a plan. You're pretty boring, you know that?
Me: Well, you're not a gaggle of laughs either!
Self: Go find someone else to chat with.
Me: Can't, they all have real lives, fun things to do, or just ran away!
Self: That's a crying shame, you're stuck with me then!
love to all!

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