Monday, July 14, 2008

Does time really fly?

14 years ago at this moment, I was frantically trying to paint my nails and blowing on them to dry. It didn't work.  They were smudged and fingerprinted. I gave up the dream of beautiful nails for this day and went to check on the decorations seeing as we were pretty shebanged on watermelon soaked with vodka 12 hours previously.  They had fallen.  I get Kerrie to help me while Sean is running around doing his last minute things and trying not to be seen by him.  It doesn't work and I fear I will be cursed forever by tempting the fates.  It starts to rain, which any normal person would cry at but I am overjoyed.  In my twisted reality, rain on this day is good luck which now cancels out the bad luck at Sean seeing me. We're on even ground again, no bad and no good but even ground. I can handle that. Where am I going with this?  It is mine and Sean's 14th anniversary.  The one day each and every year I ask Sean multiple times "What were we doing this time on our wedding day?" Corny I know. Every year this day comes I remember different items I stored away as a horrid memory of that day and now it isn't so bad. It adds character to the story I tell. Getting the invitations with the address to the Lodge given as the "place" only to have Sean's mom tell us no and having to cross out and rewrite where we moved it to. Waiting in a hot van outside for Donny the best man to show up, gave up on him, bumped everyone up in position which worked out wonderful because my favorite brother got to be in the ceremony. Lisa giving me a valium for my panic attack and her running to give Sean half. Lori says take this, he pops it in is mouth in front of the preacher without ever asking what it was, a prediction of my future as his pharmacist. My dad singing "The Wedding Song" by Peter Yarrow in the most beautiful voice until I turned to look at him and his voice cracks (he had fought me for years about singing at my wedding and I love him for giving in to me) I had to turn away, teared up myself, went to wipe my nose ever so discretely forgetting I was wearing a veil and spent the rest of the ceremony staring at the snot covered sections waiting for Sean's mother to stand up when asked does anyone have a reason for these two not to be joined (everyone looked at his mother at that point). And finally after being pronounced husband and wife and Sean lifting my veil to give me our first kiss as a married couple, ever so tender, no slobbering, puts the veil back down over my face covering me back up. All the tragic events that happened 14 years ago are now romanticized and held so dear to me, especially with the loss of Kerrie last year.  I do adore him, I even like him which I think is more important. He is my best friend. He makes me laugh more than cry and we've been through good and bad with much more to come. Since I had no knowledge of people I would come to call my extended family, I wanted to share with you.  I wish you could have been there. It was a pretty good day. Happy Monday to you all!

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