Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bugs, Bugs Everywhere Bugs

Well we took art work to Vigland Gallery on Thursday. So mom has art work for sale there. Yesterday we went to the Lilly Farm and spent some time with Di and Don. Had a nice visit. Mom left one of her welcome signs and some fliers for Di to put in her gift shop. Spent some time wandering around Di's gardens and left with some plants. Had a nice chat with uncle Joe Saturday morning and all is well with him and Aunt Maggie. They are going to come up soon for a visit. Next week we have to go over to little house and clean up the yard and make a repair inside. I think we fixed the leak in the roof as there has been a ton of rain and evrything has stayed nice and dry.

And now to the veggie garden. Tomatoes, squash, egg plants and melons doing well. Peppers not. Had to add a bunch of organic matter because the soil is so sandy. Ok it was cow poop. Got everything growing except the peppers. Guess peppers are not into the charms of cow poop. Now that the birds have departed the garden BUGS have arrived. I wanted to keep the garden as organic as possible but I think this may call for some chemical warfare.

Earwicks have arrived also. To my great surprise I pulled the handle on the m&m container and got some m&ms and an earwick. Glad I looked before I popped the m&ms in my mouth. Perhaps some chemical warfare is in the future in the house also.

Well after we take care of little house early next week we are going up into Sleeping Bear to paddle around on Otter Lake and take a picnic. Today we are going to an art fair or is that faire in Elberta and perhaps just wander about for awhile.

We watched to movie Dejavu last night. Guess I'm going to have to have some explaining of the end of the movie. Kind of like Lake House. To quote the grandma I'm so confussed. Also have Untraceable to watch and Death at a Funeral. The Video Place is hiring so I might get a job there so I can get free movies. Pictures of Otter lake later and I'm off to do some chemical warefare in the garden before we take off for the day. Live Long and Prosper.

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