Thursday, July 31, 2008


Sorry all... was supposed to have vacation and ended up working one of those days. Then Tom and I were going to begin our great, almost free, adventure and ended up spending the day working on Buck, the big Jeep. We did get to finally use some of the camping gear ma and pa purchased for us and spent some time alone for a couple of nights.... had a good time and now I can't get the campfire smell out of my hair. I kind of like it.

Dad, what have you found out about the heart problems in the White family? I know one of your cousins had a heart attack very young, is that the same side of the family? Also.... and you know who you are... have you had your leg looked at yet? You know who you are!

Hey dad, can you post a link to the slot car mom's making? Who's the best wife in the world? She makes you your very own slot car from scratch! You guys are gonna sell them, yeah? Now that sounds like a viable enterprise! Has any of the art sold yet? Have you gone to visit it in it's new home?

The heat and the dryness are killing all of my pretty flowers. I've tried everything to keep them moist but some of them are committing suicide. Ma, have you tried the self watering do-hickeys? I think you fill a stake like thingy with water and it gives them h20 on a more constant basis?

I was hoping to get some time off near ma's b-day... if possible, maybe that would be a good time to come up? Maybe the weekend before or after? I'll check the schedule at work and just take one of those weekends off and you'll have to deal with me once I get there. This kid would like to know what her mom wants for her birthday as well.... just a small hint would be useful.

Dad, I'll have you know that The Stand is one of my all time favorite movies. In cheese factor alone it takes the cake. Have I mentioned how bad the new M Night Shamalamalan movie is? It rivals The Stand. No joke.

Lori, I think you, Tom and I should start our own union. The union of the overworked. I know ya gotta make a buck in this world, but for the love of Pete, give us some time off. I've been pulling twelve hour days regularly for months now and the new, improved, fourteen hour days are so much fun I could rip my hair out.

Speaking of hair, I think I'm on a hair strike. Meaning, I seem to be reluctant to have it cut. Those of you who don't see me on a regular basis would be shocked by it's unruliness and length. I look like a woolly mammoth. Oh, man, speaking of extinct creatures, you guys have to check out this book called Bigfoot, I Not Dead.... never mind, I'm buying you all a copy of it. Think Uncle Shelby's ABZ book mixed with a bit of George Carlin... it made me guffaw.

Ok, I gotta go eat with my husband now.... I found turkey dogs at the grocery store the other day and Tom's decided that they're great. Yay!

I love you all, I'm sorry I've been gone for so long. Work is a nightmare and Tom and I needed some time alone. For what it's worth, there's this girl I work with who's looking for another job for me. She said she'd even make my resume for me. Now that's a true friend.

Love, hugs and kisses. Jess V (that's what they call me at work).

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