Saturday, July 12, 2008

My dad hears voices in his head

Dad, was it the voices in your head, or the dog who told you to name the car Ola Pingie? What, pray tell, does Ola Pingie mean to you? Explain yourself!

I am so glad that you guys got to spend some time on the water.... you need to get more of that in before the summer ends! I seriously think that dad has a career ahead of him in nature photography. Those bird shots are amazing. I got some cool shots of an ancient barn on five mile while on a walk but haven't tried wildlife as of yet. We have some great birds at the feeders right now, last Sunday I spent a good portion of my day upside down on the couch staring at them. Need to get some more thistle, though, it attracts the prettiest birds. The lillies I put in the ditch two falls ago finally are blooming. They have spread quite a bit and now there's four plants instead of the two I planted. I thought I had killed them, but Tom showed them to me tonight and they're lovely! Yay lillies!

Lori, man, what are you to do? I seriously wonder if there's a person out there who has found the job that makes them happy. You are amazing at what you do and there has to be someone who will appreciate you for that. I'm so sorry.... if we won the lotto, none of us would have to deal with that crap at all!

As for my job, I think I've spent the last week in the twilight zone. First the glowing review from my shelter manager on Tuesday and today.... oh today. Todd, aka new receiving Nazi hired to replace me, the man who was trying to get me OUT of receiving..... well, he told me today that he needs me to be his backup when he's not there. That he appreciates the work I have done for the last eight years and that receiving NEEDS me. That he doesn't think I should go to the clinic. He actually has a plan to keep me out of the clinic. Man, I need to lay off the crack because this was a guy who a few weeks ago told me that he can't run receiving with me working there. The man who facilitated my move to the clinic against my will. Who are these people and who snatched the original versions of them? One week my job is in jeopardy and the next they're kissing my ass to keep me there. I must have done something especially good this week. Anyway, I may not have to work in the hole they call the clinic, nt sur how Todd can pull that off, but I'll roll with it if it happens.

Tomorrow Tom and I are going to the Royal Oak art fair. We're actually leaving the house together and not to go to the grocery store or Target! I'm excited cause I'm hoping to find a wealth of gifts there.... merry christmas everyone! This one starts as early as possible! I'm pretty excited about the whole thing.

Hey, did I tell you... the birds dumped a feeder full of sunflower seeds and since it's been so rainy they rooted and now we have a TON of sunflower babies popping up next to the house. This is going to be good summer for sure.

If I were rich, I'd hire a maid, no joke. Scoop the boxes, dust, vacuum, water the plants and clean the toilets. I'd buy a Dyson pet hair remover vacuum and everything. Then, after a 70 hour work week I wouldn't have to drip sweat around my house on my day off... the maid would be well paid to do it. I'd buy Tommy a cj-5 and find us a house in the country that we could now afford to remodel because we were rich. And I'd buy a golden retriever and a Bernese mountain dog from a breeder. Yes, a breeder. That's about it. Oh, and I'd get my dad his buddy holly glasses. And maybe the scooter cause you have to have a scooter if you have buddy holly glasses. Love to all!

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