Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pictures of the car

 So, here's the story for the uninformed. My family (well actually my adoptive father) has the long standing tradition of naming our automobiles, (no I don't know why, we just do, that's what Van's do) so my new car is a 300d, 1977 benz. Nice old lady car, good and boxy which I love. Sean found it on Craig's list for $400, (which I love more) and he is fixing it. That would be his arm in the trunk already at it. So the challenge I am offering to you, is dig deep down to your soul and find the name that fits the car. As I mentioned, dad offered Daisy, someone told me the car was "purdy" and that's where I'm at.  Past names for benz's were Mabel, (mother's always bring extra love) Essie (it was a SE series) and Sean's benz was named  nothing,(he says it was named "seansbenz). They were all lost in tragic events that we walked away from, but need a name for preparation of the memorial service.  I saw the remainders of Essie yesterday. Went to see Jason at the benz fixer uppers. Local shadetree mechanics who are great guys.  They worked on mom and dad's car when they were stuck here at Thanksgiving. I had to pay up on the deal I made Jason, "Hurry up and get their car fixed, and I'll bring you a buttload off cookies." I'm not sure how much a buttload is, but he seemed happy with the amount I brought him.  Anyway, I digress. Anyhow, they've stripped the poor girl to the bone, taken all parts off her for the selling.  They could at least offer her a tarp to cover herself.  Hence a nice line of credit at the benz place.  Here are pictures of the newest addition now located in the great room downstairs. Dig deep into the vast name bank and thing of something.  Winners will be notified and publicly acknowledged.  Maybe receive a buttload of cookies to replace the dwindled amount of brain cells it took to complete the process and a reward for finishing this wordy email!!  Love to all!

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