Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Poor Lorinda!!!

It's just so WRONG to only have oneself to talk to!!!! I hate it when that happens. And it does, too. Gonna get bad in another month.

Well, the total devastation I felt last weekend when I saw the condition of our once beloved place is greatly improved by this afternoon. It ain't as perfect as it once was, but at least someone driving up to the house would be encouraged to look inside now. We plan to leave it like it once was in it's hey day. Ironically, other than that huge crack in one of the bathrooms (which I'll figure out how to cover up), the inside of the house is actually BETTER than when we bought it! We're both feeling much encouraged by our progress. DAMN 'tho. It's demandingly hard work.

We have so many things we still want to do and time is running out on us. Got kayaking, blueberry picking, the beach (which we haven't been to essentially in two years), the second stage of the secret get the idea.

I've got to tell you guys that we started something on Monday that is decades overdue. I'd have never had a chance at creating or selling artwork if it weren't for John's endless (and I mean ENDLESS) assistance. For years and years we've discussed his interest in making his own slot car bodies and how to approach doing that. I made molds in college and he's done a lot of research. All I ever did was talk. When I've needed help he drops absolutely everything to help me right now.

Monday I started carving my very first slot car to use as the mold for John's first marketable product. Can't say I blame the man at all for choosing a hitherto unavailable Lamborghini body. Three days into this project I can attest to the reason the body's never been out's the difference between the Cistine ceiling and a few acrylic daisies on one's mailbox! I'm sure he thought that if he was only going to get one shot at a car body from me he'd go for the gold.

I want this guy to be SO PERFECT I actually talk to my wood. I'm not accustomed to having to create two identical sides and a perfect profile in all respects. All of my carvings have had a lot more latitude for mistakes. But I love the look on his face knowing he's finally as important to me as I always have been to him. Just want that car to be perfect. John sure deserves it. He's made quite a name and reputation for himself in the slot car world and the first product he offers MUST outshine anything else available.

Anyway guys. I know this isn't really exciting stuff but it IS what we're doing! Doesn't even come close to naked strangers Lori. But confidentially, there's a certain "ick" factor involved there too. Although I'd be outrageously excited to be paid to sit and drink coffee and smoke cigarettes, even if I had to do it while the rest of the world got to sleep in! Considering the drawbacks of this job Kid, it seems as though you're doing great with it. Some day you've got to tell me just exactly WHAT that job description was when you applied for work.

Gonna be my turn in the big garden tub downstairs pretty quick. I'm (walking????) testimony to the promises made on the Deep Woods OFF label. Nary a bite. Just a trifle slimey and smelly. John's floating around in the tub now. He promised to hit the thing with Scrubbing Bubbles before it was my turn. He's never left a ring in his life. I've mastered the art!

Love you guys tons. Be well. I know we're boring but keep writing? Ma

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