Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bugs, humidity and other people's dogs

Lori, did you know that these responsibilities would be expected of you when you signed on for this job? I mean, I'm all for caring for the elderly.... but showering aged gentleman is something I'm not sure I'd be able to do! You're working a lot lady! Is it any better for you now? Ah, the new job sparkle, how quickly it fades!

As for bugs, dear father... you must battle them as if you were a Spartan! The food is at risk! Take those bugs down by any means necessary! By the way, the tree growing in your room is also at risk. I can't figure out how to make him happy. I can't spell the word definbachia (?) but somehow, after his miraculous growth, this is the summer that did him in. He leaning to the side, then fell completely over, breaking one of his limbs. I put that limb in a watering can, hoping to grow new roots but the papa tree is a complete mess. He has plenty of water but won't regain his turgor pressure. What to do???

On Wednesday, one of my friends came over and she brought her dog who's about a year old now. This was the longest amount of time he spent at my house and she thinks he is the best dog ever. The best trained, the smartest, a glowing example of canine goodness. She also believes that Frankie is a neurotic mess who I should put on doggie prozac. Helo peed in my house three times. He also ran away from her in our yard and she had to take off through my next door neighbor's yard where two attack dogs live to get her dog back. The coolest part was when Helo took off and Frankie, also off leash, just ran over to my side and sat there, watching the world's most perfect dog elude his owner. I got great satisfaction from it.

Not a whole lot to say.... we went out last night with another friend who is moving to Delaware in a week.... Tom's at work today and was supposed to be home an hour ago... so here I sit putzing around on the Internet biding my time, all chores accomplished.

Ma, if you have any advice about the tree, please pass it on.... I have no idea what I did to him! I swear I was watering him and I opened the windows enough to give him some ventilation but keep dad's room safe at the same time. Help!

I love you all and hope that things are maybe not so humid and full of mosquitoes where you are.

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