Wednesday, July 2, 2008

How to post, 101

Open Blogspot..... type in, or enter blogspot in a search. Save this site to your favorites. Anyway....
Read old posts, giggle or marvel over them, click leave comment and then, well, leave a comment. Keep in mind that the comment itself does not show up in the blog, only a notification that there is, indeed, a comment attached to a particular post.
Click new post. Type for a while. Spellcheck. Then click publish post at the bottom of the screen.
Not sure how you keep losing your posts lady! New post, type, publish post.

PS, we lost our game last night but I got on base all three times I was at bat! Woo Hoo! We play some good softball!

1 comment:

Lori said...

tell me more Miss Blog teacher. You go girlfriend, bat away!!!! Love you baby jane