Friday, July 4, 2008

The Fourth, Again

Personal note: So very GLAD it's "again" 'cause I'm not really fond of the alternative.

It's almost 2 p.m. and John's going in and out the garage door doing imitations of the Dad in "A Christmas Story." I'd better (finally) make an appearance on the outside of this house before he uses the true soap-in-the-mouth word, so I'll just be brief (ho, ho, ha, ha).

We've both been thinking about this day since early morning. Every single year, growing up, I'd have awakened on an ancient feather mattress in the attic of an old farmhouse, enjoying the 115 degree ambient temp in the room and the 150 degree temp exuding from that miserable mattress. If it was the Fourth we were in Iowa. My Dad, first born son would arrive two days before to celebrate his July 3rd Birthday with his family. They were extremely tight knit and often the sense of foreboding as we closed in on the compound was close to cardiac arrest. It was hard fitting in out there.

On my 17th Fourth of July I was the star of the American Legion float in the Plymouth parade. I wore a bikini under the ponderous robes, held my right arm in the air for literally 2 1/2 hours, and frankly wanted to murder the three-man honor guard facing me on the float, headed by, who else? My Father. We DID win first place. We DID make the front page of the Plymouth Observer (above the fold, no less), and eventually, I regained circulation throughout my body. Needless to say, I avoid parades on this day at all costs.

When we bought the family homestead in 1979 John and I began our own tradition. We had cook-outs that got larger and larger as all our families grew. Toward the end of our stay there we had our very own family reunion every Fourth, punctuated at the end with JOHN'S FIREWORKS!!! The obligatory "oohs and aahs" just made him beam. We could see the local fireworks from our front yard after all our family had headed home.

We haven't done a single thing on the Fourth since we've lived here. Although we have friends in the neighborhood on this day, and we DO see them at least once during the long weekend, we haven't gone to the fireworks with them...kind of a closed group for that event. The day, by contrast, just doesn't evoke anticipation anymore.

Lori, I'm guessing your day at work may be coming to an end soon and since I haven't heard any news flashes I'm guessing that your "big bang theory" was so amazing the information is being withheld until a major newscast tonight! Jeez girl, if Katie had just read your blog a crew would have been on sight just to interview the amazing woman capable of envisioning such an event!!! I'm absolutely certain that you've made the day totally memorable for all attending.

Well, Jess, think your plans for the day are a little over the top for our abilities. The movie part sounds good. And I DO need a haircut too. Think I'll go check on the old man. For some reason I've been hiding out in here since his arrival. I don't go outside much when he's not here, but this is bordering on the ridiculous now. John adores it out there and is out all day, every day. Even in the rain.

Lots of love to all. Happy Day. Ma

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