Saturday, July 19, 2008

Long live caffine

Okay, I recognize, admit, and now fully accept my addiction to caffeine. Sugar we'll talk about another time, but for now it's caffeine. It's 9:00pm on Saturday night and I'm now drinking Saturday morning coffee.  Sure I could brew a fresh pot but that might take precious moments away and this is strong!!  I have agreed to work the 11-7 shift tonight. Just got the phone call around 7. So must drink!  Obviously I am not working in the kitchen, nope, I'm on the floor.  Trained on the floor as an RA (resident assistant, basically an uncertified cna, do all the same things) Wed 7-3, then worked the 3-11 shift that same night, cooked Thursday, cooked Friday, then worked 5:30-11, off today, and then the phone call.  Boss offered me $50 if I'd work (hell, what can I say? I'm a cheap date) so I told her I'd be there, but only as a pulse. She accepted. Silly girl!!  So hopefully a pretty boring night. No room cleanings or showers (oh yeah!! I gave my first shower Wed. To Jerry. It's not as much fun as you might think.  I didn't realize those things would gravitate so low?!  Is this true for all men?  Your input, John?) So other than that, my life has been pretty mundane. Yard sales today with no good hits. John, have you tried spraying the garden with a diluted dish soap/water solution?  It works for the aphids on the roses, it worked on the tomatoes although Sean did use dish soap with bleach and that did kind of burn them. The bugs are gone though. And as for the m&ms, the only thing to do is eat them now, eat them all tonight before the bugs get them! Kisses and love to all, I'll be thinking of you while you sleep, I'll be thinking of you Jess as you don't sleep.

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