Wednesday, July 9, 2008


You GO girl! Maybe karma truly is out there! FU definitely stands for more than "Felix Unger" in the Odd Couple. You can apply it to any "boss" so deserving, and I believe you have one.

As much as I love Tommy, Myrtle stinks. It doesn't get ANY better/worse than Elsie Mae. Tommy's important to me too, Lori, but he's just wrong this time! And I must also mention that the miscreant "son" has made no contact. Lori, if we had only known, it ALWAYS should have been Jason left under the picnic table. Only problem is, we like Lou and Elaine too much to have dumped such a burden on them.

We went back to TC this morning and got an early start. I was so very grateful that the asshole next door began mowing grass on his tractor, outside our bedroom windows, before 7 a.m. I personally thanked him using terms of affectionate endearment as I stormed out of bed.

ANYwhoo. We got some more stuff for the continuation of our secret project. Jess, you can have a pool on the day you promise to live here and clean the damned thing daily. Actually, if you lived here I might move heaven, earth and a hole in the ground to create a pool just for you! It's said that everyone has their price!

Got a GREAT card and pix from South Lyon today. That Grand-dog of ours sure is a cutie. Did that rainbow erupt out of the cemetery fluids flowing through your backyard? Your new glasses are cool. And I'm taking your word that you guys were truly cute for the wedding. With a picture from the neck to forehead it's hard to decide for sure, but I'm taking you at your word.

Hope this might help you solidify your west coast visitation plan...couldn't seem to avoid it the last two days. We ducked the virus last year. Need to tell you that infection is imminent if you visit us on August 4-6, well, afternoon on the fourth through afternoon on the sixth. Fred's coming. If I knew a priest I'd have this ground consecrated immediately as a precaution. What the hell does Kirk think she'll accomplish by making her husband, and US, so miserable if even for two days? Telling myself, as I have all my life, "there's nothing you can't live through for (unknown number here)." It always worked in the past. Maybe a bedroom without walls and a concrete floor will be impetus enough to head back north.

Finally. What would I obtain if I was Richie Rich. I'd love to be healthy again. I'd LOVE to outwalk my husband and my daughter even 'tho I'm short. Want to walk that beach for miles, like I used to do. I want to delight in the surprising and marvelous 'things' I put in my little pail during that walk, and take home as my own treasures. Of course there are HUGE numbers of events I'd change if I could. But that's not what you asked, Jess.

I love you and Tommy so very much. Lori, can you finally come and live at MY house? I miss all of you. Ma

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