Friday, July 25, 2008

That's the way we do it!!!

Wow, so that's all it takes? One episode of blogging to whine, talk to myself and begging and all three of you jump on it? It's a damn good thing you gave me away when I was so young. You never would have been able to handle a manipulative child such as myself. I am a mastermind I tell you. I just never figured how to harness my powers. If only I could have learned ....why ...... I..... could...!!!! 
Anyway, it does sound like you have interesting things going on. I'm happy little house is coming back together. And John, if those visitors in your back yard will eat those bugs in your m&m supply, you've got it made.  Sean doesn't hunt, not because he's anti hunting. Just never into it I guess.  He does the fishing thing from time to time. But give him a hunk of meat and that boy can cook it!! OOOOOOH! Did I ever tell y'all about Thanksgiving one year when I brought up a meal to fix and serve? Pre Jess, yucky Regan era.  My aunt and 2 cousins were there, I think Tom may have been there (I believe this was the year I ripped into Regan and told her if she didn't like who Tom was, leave, she had no right in changing him, beotch!!) Anyway, I digress. So I have this hunk of meat. Won't tell what it is. I fix supper and everyone eats. I haven't made a big deal of it. So halfway through dinner I ask if anyone has a guess on what it is. Hee Hee. Forks are starting to be lowered and parental units don't look very happy. Beef? No. Pork? Nope. Deer? No but good try. Sean mentions something about forest fires and little Josh, the little autistic one says Smokey the Bear matter of factly and keeps on eating. Needless to say nobody believes him till I say that's right Josh. You're eating bear. And my dad was not happy! Ha! It was really good, not greasy not tough. So anyway. We love hunted meat! 
I would love to come pick blackberries there! I'd be a walking mosquito bite though. I'm not the walking testimonial. I can be dipped in the stuff, wearing long sleeves and pants with netting surrounding me like a mother's love sitting next to a stark naked honey dipped Sean and they will still find me and leave him be. Sean says I'm sweet meat. I wonder if the berry bread would ferment before it got to you if I sent some? Hmmm?
Jess, don't worry about the plant. Usually mine go through a long tortuous death before they wise up and look for the antifreeze treated gatorade. The smart ones hear the shrieks while they are still able to reach for it on their own and do themselves in quickly.  I do love plants and I think they love me, till I get them home and they learn their fate. Such a sad reincarnation. I believe that would be a punishment befitting the worst offender. Sent back to life as my plant! Time to sign off and go to bed. Sean's watching modern marvels and I'm not too interested in it so I'll probably just go read. Love to all and a wonderful weekend to you. I'm cooking so it should be good, no showers that I know of. 

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