Friday, July 11, 2008

Ola, okay, Pingie, huh???

Where in the world did that name come from?  The Ola is kinda cool, but Ola Pingie? Please to explain.  I think the honeymoon period at work has reached it's climactic end. All over floor mopping.  Evelyn (the executive director) asked me if I had mopped a certain area, I said no, she asked why, I explain that I wasn't told that was my area but I would make sure it was done from now on.  She wanted to know who told me I didn't have to do it.  I reply that it was actually two people who told me that others were to do it but it wasn't a big deal, I would be happy to do it. I thought the situation was over, silly silly girl.  The next day at our meeting (we have a stand up everyday at 9:00) we do our stuff and at the end enlightens everyone that Lori was misinformed of her duties during her training.  Tells what I haven't been doing.  And then tells everyone that if they see Lori doing something she shouldn't be doing, stop her as well as if I'm not doing something I should be doing, correct it that way she doesn't always have to be the bad guy. Then asked if anyone had any other input to add.  Someone commented that my earrings were bigger than a quarter (huh?) and it's in the handbook they can't be (they weren't- I put a quarter against them and it's not in the handbook) I said nothing, I'm still new and learning "my place". So along with the public humiliation and dress critique, today the menu was "disgusting". And how could I serve that? I calmly explained I was not the dining room manager and therefore did not make the menu nor did I do the ordering. She would have to take it up with Marc.  This went on for 15 minutes.  I finally asked her if she was going to change the menu she needed to do it pretty damn soon as I had 20 minutes before I was to serve dinner.  A little late to be deciding it was disgusting, and that she didn't have to eat it if she didn't like it.  Sigh. Which is worse, a malicious gossiping hurtful bitch for a boss or an anal retentive micro manager?  I think the latter.  My Richie Rich dream.......scuba diving in fiji and eating my way through Greece without any grape leaves. Thanks for letting me vent, Love to you all!

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