Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ah, freedom

So glad to hear you guys made it. Maybe you can motor on down to Florida some day and see them? How's the new grand kid. Oh, sorry THE grand kid. Is it born yet? Did you see pictures? How very exciting.

If you send me a flyer or two, I'll post them at work. Not sure if anyone's looking, but surprisingly enough, I work with a few guys who hunt AND have money as well as a ton of people who love the good old up north atmosphere. It's worth trying anyway! Plus, I'd love to see them!

I'm pretty sure I'll get Sept. 20th off, so Tom and I could head up on Friday night after work and probably spend the last few nanoseconds of your actual birthday with you. Possibly we could arrange a second celebration on Saturday when the sun is out? Have to head home on Sunday afternoon-ish, but at least we'd get a couple of days in together. As for your gift.... you may be pleasantly surprised mother of mine... just you wait! Let me know if that weekend would work... umm, actually it may have to as it's a bit like pulling teeth to get time off anymore... we have never been this understaffed or this busy in the eight years I've been there. Bush has no idea what this economy is doing to people and their pets. Or our delightful governor, who needs a swift kick in the ass. Can I say that in a public forum without ending up on some FBI most wanted list?

I have nothing more to add.... life is boring and predictable here in gold old South Lyon. One thing of note... I woke up this morning and could simply no longer deal with the fuzz growing out of my head and got it cut at Scappare in town. Why have I driven past that place so many times in my life and not once considered getting my hair cut there? It was affordable and the girl who cut my hair was neither frightened or put off by my crazy hair! And... will wonders never cease... she felt no need to rake a flat iron to it! Yay! Cheers to hairdressers everywhere who let people with curly hair walk out of their salon with curly hair!

Love to all of those people out there! JEss

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