Sunday, August 3, 2008

Attack on the Farmhouse

So it's 5:oo in the morning and about an hour ago Tom and I were awoken by the smell of something burning and what sounded like someone hitting the berm. We peeked out Dad's window because we could see two cars at the fence (on the side of the house) and thought someone had gotten stuck in the ditch. Then I looked out the other window and saw a car at the berm.

Tom went out to investigate and discovered that the car at the berm had literally smashed into the car at the side of the house. Berm kid was coming down Five Mile and t boned the car coming down Pontiac trail. The airbag had deployed (hence the burning smell) and the driver was seriously messed up. The passenger broke the windshield with his melon. The third car in our driveway was our neighbor who had seen it happen. Berm kid is relatively unharmed but his car is destroyed.

Currently, all three car people have been removed to the hospital and there are about fifteen cars in the driveway, on the street and down five mile.... cops, ambulance, fire, wreckers..... there is debris (including a wheel torn right from the axle in the ditch) from five mile all the way to Randy's, the dude next door. The fire trucks have these gloriously bright lights on and there are men wandering all over our yard.

Turns out, berm kid was drinking and playing foolish young boy games turning lights on and off and driving way too fast. Other car guy also was driving way too fast. All three dudes should be ok according to nice police man who talked to Tom. A wrecker is pulling the Camero out of Randy's fence... this must be payback for the time his daughter hit someone and took out the neighbor's fence. The berm dude's car is still in it's final resting place, hopefully to be removed soon so I can have some peace and quiet. Tom has gone to work and I'm here all by myself; well if you ignore the twenty or so people wandering around the property.

How does it all end? My house smells like diesel fuel and Tom and I learned a very important lesson.... we sleep way too hard.... didn't see a thing.

If only dogs could talk, cause it was her whimpering that actually woke me up.

A good day to you all.... I hope it is as exciting as mine promises to be.

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