Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mama Wafflehump's BACK

A special HELLO to Lorinda and Sean (truth's out Sean. No more sneaking around in the dead of night and while Lori's at work or in the can!) If you don't stop feeding the "scooter virus" John's been itching for more than a year now, I'll find SOMETHING to do to get even!

Lori, how many more of these food events will be offered before Christmas? With your batting record at two for two I'm thinking you're permanently stuck in the food tent. Then of course there's the financial stats to support the 'company's' position that food is where you're to tell you, there aren't too many art forms Jess and I love more than handmade quilts. I started one about 20-years-ago and it became a 50" x 50" tablecloth. I WANTED to make it a 10" x 10" napkin but was shamed into continuing against my will. Perhaps it was the $70 I'd invested in special fabrics at the highly-specialized quilt shop. Ultimately I sold the remaining, brand new fabrics (gently protected in plastic wrapping) at a garage sale for $5. I DO have a sewing machine (as does Jess). With luck neither of us will have to open the things up any decade soon. My sister-in-law, Juana, has a similar loathing to the dreaded equipment.

The lake glass can NEVER be compared to collecting Alcoa! When the kids were little we'd go to the beach for 6-8 hours and I walked the beach most of that time. When John would say "time to go" I'd count the number of pieces of glass I'd found and refuse to leave until I had found another 40 pieces. For the first time that day I'd get all three of 'em helping me find glass.

Since the demise of glass in favor of plastic and OTHER materials, there's nothing left to find. If we find just one single piece per visit to the beach, I'm thrilled. Our first jar filled was a big brandy snifter and we kept it on a trunk in our family room.

My sister's daughter (niece Rachel), was both obese and ornery and decided that Aunt Judy had a huge jar full of hard candy that I was unwilling to offer up to her god of calories. So finally, much to Jess's horror, I said "go ahead Rae. Eat all you want." Can't remember now, but I'm hoping those were her baby teeth.

Jess, did you go to the Van K's or did they visit you? Did you finally give Elaine her Mother's Day flowers? Hope E and L are well. We like your in-laws, a lot.

As for the meds my two girls are searching for...GEEZE! BOTH of you (especially my Tennessee daughter!) Jess, get some of those "Breathe Right" strips. They'll hold those nostrils open until they "snot out" and you'll be free! Be sure and wear a green shirt and you'll be good to go no matter where you are!!

The combination stained glass and carved wood piece that's Jess's is still about nine feet off the kitchen floor and needs to come down for cleaning, photographing and price-tagging. We'll send a couple of photos, Lori. Jess, I HAVE been thinking of a new piece in that same vein. Thinking the "tree" should be multi-branched off a center trunk so that it was more of a panoramic piece...colors from any side you viewed. More difficult and counter balancing the upper weight would have to be addressed, but it's wafting in and out of thoughts ever since I talked to you last Sunday.

I refuse to sit here and cry for the next nine months. If I plan plenty of art work I'll probably only have to cry for two of those months. Speaking of the about to leave town husband, we're supposed to go kayaking with Bob and Karen tomorrow on the Manistee. All I can think of is that on Dad's last full day here I don't want company. He asked me what I truly thought about tomorrow and almost seemed to agree with me when I told him.

I had a ton of stuff I wanted to blog but I keep getting those "critical error" pop-ups. So far they haven't acted on their threats but I guess I should finish up for now. Oh yeah! We had one of Dad's acorn squashs with dinner and it was wonderful! Jess, the crop of tomatoes appears to be nearly bordering on invasive, should they all ripen simultaneously.

Love to the girls and Sean and Tommy too. Ma

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