Monday, August 11, 2008

The green thing

I don't know Dad, what's green and has wheels?? Huh? What is it??

I'm pretty much in the same place as Lori... day off, cleaning, bills, grocery store, random projects. I need to clean up the back porch cause some of my flowers have died and some just need some TLC. Gonna get them looking nice again hopefully. It's cool out, thankfully, and I'm thinking about making some soup for my Tommy, he loves soup. Ordered meds for Frankie and have an almost $200 hole in my pocket now, I'm rethinking how much I love her right now. My friend Chriss brought her dog over Saturday night and although we made it through this visit without any accidents, he has a major drooling problem and I was forced to actually MOP this morning. I'm a true housewife now.

I'm not surprised that B and P's kid is a medical mess. I don't think mother nature wanted them to procreate and she is trying to rebalance things now. Gross.

I'm so excited that things are coming along well artistically for you ma! Keep plugging away and someday maybe you and dad will be a force in the slot car world as well as you being a highly regarded mixed media type of player. Someday I'll be brave enough to take the summer off of work to put some energy into making things to sell. It has often crossed my mind that I should just take three months to see what I could create and get it out there. Alas, the great checking account cog keeps me from doing it. Maybe if my damn dog didn't cost so much.....

Tom and I looked at a couple of houses to rent yesterday. One which we couldn't get a hold of the landlord is in downtown South Lyon and is, wait for it, an arts and crafts bungalow. It's GORGEOUS. And huge, with a cement floor basement useful for slot cars and pottery wheels. I'm not going to get my hopes up, it's in a great location and a relatively great price. The fact that the guy didn't call us back makes me think it's probably no longer available. Three bedrooms, two baths, central air, living room with built-ins and a gorgeous dining room. Kitchen looked amazing, what we could see of it, and it has a wee little fenced in yard. Porch swing. Hardwood floors. Enough said. The others weren't much to talk about.... high priced and too small. We'll find something, hopefully before the propane monster gets us.

Well, I gotta go to school and drop another $80 on my parking pass and god knows how much on books. I also need to figure out where one of my classes is... it's in a building I've never even heard of. Ah school, summer goes so fast. Maybe I'll take my overpriced dog with me.

I love you all and shall talk to you soon! Jessicups

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