Monday, August 11, 2008

What's Happenin' with Cheesey Wafflehump

Someday, Lori! Someday YOU'll be 61, and I won't! But you'll NEVER be Cheesey Wafflehump. Can't take that one away from me.

A week ago at this time the monsters had just come out from under the bed to terrorize us for two more days. Our reward for endurance is that Uncle Joe and Aunt Maggie will be here tomorrow afternoon. Don't know how long they can stay, but it'll be fun.

Jess, do you have a photograph of that offensive visiting hound? Can't you teach the Grand dog to attack instead of kiss? Save the mop you had to use and offer Frankie the scent. At LEAST convince our beloved pooch that bowing to animals JUST because they happen to have four legs, instead of the more appropriate THREE, is simply NOT required in one's own home. No offense meant Lori. Some dogs look better on four paws.

Don't remember whether I told you Jess, but for the "money" show in Frankfort one of my two offerings will be your stained glass. It's unique and might net me something. I've put an $1800 price tag on it which jumps to over $2300 with the commission attached. NOBODY's gonna pay that much money, but the items have to be offered for sale. I'm guessing that if I could be that infamous 'fly on the wall' I'd hear some whispered "who does she think she IS?" remarks.

Got to say, in my own defense for the "call ahead"'s more because I'M the problem here, not the house. Only Jess truly knows just how gross I can be when I'm working, on ANYthing! Speaking of which. John and I kind of finished the secret project today. We've got a couple of good ideas for finishing it, but those will happen next year.

Sure hope you hear from the landlord of the Craftsman Jess. Only THAT particular style could ever tempt me to take on another used home.

Speaking of "gross". You seem to have just repeated my very words, spoken last night, Jess. I actually couldn't believe I'd ever, in this entire life, suggest that a baby shouldn't make it in this world, but there's something horribly WRONG with that family and reproducing that genetic profile is one putrid idea. Fred's father, brother and son all attacked and violated children. I'm vindictive enough to wish a repeat on P and B's offspring, but Darwinian Nature appears to be working on a natural solution. Enough said. Your Dad hates this conversation.

The slot car is one varnishing away from casting. We still haven't ordered the materials, but we will. I SHOULD get about 45 more tiles made, dried and glazed for Dad's first week of school and firing. I'm thinking that just one more project outside, and the tiles will be the end of hard work around here for a while.

Lori, maybe Sean just needs a short break from no-name car. A fresh viewpoint is often the best way to go with any intense project. Tell him we applaud his determination and hard work.

Rattled on long enough. I miss you guys when I don't hear from you. John/Dad misses you every bit as much as I do. "Not blogging anymore!" he'll say. "Not until somebody blogs back!!"

Love you guys. Tons. Ma/Cheesey

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