Monday, August 25, 2008

Holy crap, what have I missed?!?

Geez, I'm glad I'm so up on my blogging!

Lori.... while dog carcasses are not a problem immediately, STOP FEEDING THEM GRAPES! Dogs can not digest the skins on grapes, raisins, prunes... and there is a chemical in them that is toxic to dogs. Your description of Roxy as hamster was delightful though. As an "animal care professional" (my politically correct title) I would suggest ceasing and desisting from feeding them people food at all. Fig can clearly handle it but Roxy has a wee, tender little digestive system and seems to tell you about it from time to time with her vomiting and poo problems. Unseasoned chicken (boneless), turkey (boneless) and burger are cool, bread is ok, rice rocks, lots of veggies are ok but the vast majority of people food will F up a dog's day if they eat it. That's just my word on doggie diet.... for now, stop the grape diet, tis no good for em. K, my lecture is over. Oh, one final word..... a major part of the no human food is to keep a dog's weight down cause it stresses both internal functions as well as adds weight to their frame, bad for hips and joints. For bigger dogs, this is a bigger problem. For the teeny canines who inhabit your home, not such a huge problem, but you still gotta watch weight gain anyhew.

That's just the speech I would give an adopter, and it's what we do with Frankie. Remember, though, that Frankie is a different dog. She's 50 pounds, has three legs and both back hips are dysplastic. She has arthritis in her front ankle. She has chronic pee problems because through some miracle she fell into the one tenth of ALL bloody dogs who are spayed before their first heat who end up with girl parts in the wrong place to fully expel the pee, thereby ASKING bacteria to collect there and cause pee problems. She was also a puppy who begged for food, and Tom and I hated that particular personality trait and decided not to ever offer her people food to keep her from doing it. And it worked for her. You and Sean have raised your dogs well and can give em whatever ya want, just nix the grapes, anything from the grape family and no more chocolate. While a small bit of chocolate may not kill them, it's one of those things that you just never know about. If the level of highly caffeinated baker's chocolate in the piece your giving them is too high, you may be in trouble. That being said, two years ago my genius scarfed down an entire bag of Halloween snickers, wrappers and all, and the only excitement we got from that event was watching her poop out silver and orange wrappers for a week or so.

As for Sean sneaking peeks at our blog (HI SEAN!), we have to add meestor Tom to this list as well (HI TOM!)..... men, listen..... Farkus has joined us, so where are you??? We love you! Talk to us!

I'm glad work is coming along on the new, as yet unnamed, vehicle. I'm sure the scooter usage is making both Tom and Farkus quite jealous. Poor Farkus, soon to be back downstate. Poor Cheezy, soon to be on her own during the week. Poor Jess and Tom... we'll try to pick our under bunders up more often now. Dad, you should see some of the rentals we've looked at. You'd be living in the basement in some of these places. Right dumps they were. Looks like another year at the farmhouse. Lon's twiddling his thumbs with glee. And hey, maybe we'll have another car try to crash through the living room, that would be fun for Dad, huh?

Ma, I'm not sure about the breath right strips. How can you expect us to work on makin babies if I've got snot pouring unhindered from my schnoz? Sorry about the detail there, but it's a fair question, right?

Lori, when we have fund raisers we do the same thing with donations instead of a set price, too. It rakes in the bucks, huh? People give us insane amounts for dogs and burgers, and much like you experienced.... nothing at all for the crafts the staff makes. What's up with that? I guess people need to eat. Bastards.

Ma..... please go forward with your 3d stained glass piece. I absolutely can not wait to see it. It sounds amazing. I wish I had a teeny bit of your creativity. I have a plan though. Once Dad's back in school I'm gonna hit him up for some kiln space too. Prepare yourself, dear listeners, cause you're all gonna get crap I made for Christmas instead of whatever it was that you actually wanted. At least, that's the plan. Woo Hoo!

Ok, enough sarcasm for one day. It must be my impending scholastic imprisonment causing this attitude. You'd think that someone spending this kind of money on school would be excited to go back, but the thought of 60 hour work weeks combined with ONE class makes me want to vomit, so imagine how I may feel about taking four classes instead. Can't wait.

Love you all! Hi Sean and Tom! Join us. Be one of us. Looks like fun, right?

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