Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Went to the Beach

Hey Lori and Jess and whomever...

Sounds like Lori's work and Jess's cats are suffering similar air-borne viruses. I'm much more comfortable attributing such discontent to an unknown ailment. Otherwise there's something EVIL in this world. Lori. The pissants are out there looking for participants in their games. Good for you for refusing to play with them! You identified the good guys right away. Keep talking to them, cooking for them, helping them out in the can or wherever else they need you, because they DO need you! When Jess sends me away (as she has said she WILL) I sure hope you're the one there to love me (sniff, sniff, BAD daughter!).

As for the "cat wars"...I don't have a clue how you'd even get Aggie into a carrier to get her to a barn! You'd have to have a death wish to corner that sick animal. And I mean that in the most ERNEST way. Aggie's the cat from hell. They named the Pet Semetary after her. Stephen King's been trying to kill her off in DOZENS of ways, throughout his writings. Still she lives, claws, hisses, attacks. Hard to sleep well in the house Aggie presides over. GO LEVI! HIDE SAMSON! He's too old to get caught in the middle of this thing. Trusting Uma to intercede on behalf of the three sane cats. Oh, did you want my opinion? What's my Grand-dog's stand on this Animal Gehod...pretty frightening.

We had Juana and Doug over for the day Sunday. You guys will really like Doug. He's quick, knowledgable, interesting (and INTERESTED), a good listener as well as a strong participant in conversations...he's complicated without seeming complicated. John (Dad) and I know that not only will you enjoy Doug but he'll feel the same way about you. I'm fairly certain you'll be meeting each other in the future. Juana seems better than she has been for some time. All very good things. But he LOVES cats and Pooh rejected him. He tried until 1:45 a.m. to get that girl to like him. She circled him, sniffed him and even let him entertain her, but pulled away before being petted. I guess you can be a bit poopy when you're over 98-years-old. Thank God I'M her Mom. I won't send her away!

We packed a lunch and headed for Point Betsie today. Dad thought it would be funny to call you from the beach, Jess, but he couldn't get a signal. After about an hour this lady showed up. She must have weighed about 490 pounds and was there with this poor little skinny guy. She was wearing shorts and kept bending over to get rocks to skim but couldn't stand up again without the little guy's help. He finally left her alone and she started picking up rocks about 5' away from us...a sight to remember. We were terrified that she'd fall over and we'd have to somehow upright her again. She looked EXACTLY like Kate Richards Jess.

Well, I've been beeped ten times regarding "72 critical system failures", make that 73 just now. As I said last night, we had a melt down. Guess I'll get out of here while I still can.

Love to all. Ma

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