Saturday, August 23, 2008

Thank You Wise One

Father Farcus, you are truly amazing. So around here I reckon we have river glass? You do have bad people, here we don't have the wonderful way of "instant money" that gave me gas money so many times while I was on fumes, aka "THE DEPOSIT". More times than I can count, I walked around the conference rooms at the Marriott  and collected cans so I could get home. I worked there, I didn't just show up or anything, geesh, I do have some pride man! But I'd take glass, plastic or cans to the gas station window many many times.  Here with ALCOA right down the road, people pick up the cans along the road to take for about 30 cents per pound. All the glass and plastic goes to the landfill.  That sucks, even for a non tree hugger like myself.

Sean is out and about riding the scooter.  Having a ball. I'll tell him about the buddy holly glasses. He'd get a kick out of that!!  The benz is still a work in progress but maybe one day Sean will stop sneaking peaks at the blog and post what he's up to on it. (Everyone say Hello Sean!!)

Okay Jess.  Question for you now.  Last week or so I dropped some grapes on the floor, (actually it was suicide. The fridge is so full of leftovers and crap and in need of a scrubbing that they jumped to their demise) so I'm picking them up and Roxy is "helping" me. I start laughing and Sean freaks out. Don't let her eat them! I didn't think she was, Fig....yes, Roxy...somewhat picky. Anyhow, I thought she was pushing them around with her nose.  She was like a chipmunk with about 2 or 3 stored in her cheeks.  So the story is getting to this question. Did you tell us, or Sean or myself that grapes are bad for dogs??  Sean said you did. And of course I had to say something smart and Sean threatened to tell you so I figured I would fess up first and twist it around on him somehow. Anyway, am I killing my dogs everytime my grapes commit suicide?
I'd appreciate an answer in a quick and timely manner before there are dog carcasses all around. Thank you my sister from another mister!!!

And finally, just a quick hello and you're not forgotten to mother cheezy! Hope the mystery that is your life is well and the computer is up and running.

Fair was today.  Made over $500.00 selling hot dogs. One guy gave me $20 for 2!!  We asked for donations instead of a set price. Only sold about 100 and they were donated as well as the buns!! GO MEAT!!  Guess how many quilt blocks were sold??  NONE!  So sad. They were all alone, no one explaining what we were doing or going to do and in an empty corner. Oh well, next fundraiser I'll sit with them and shame people into it!! The bright spot is that everyone liked the quilts I made and displayed!! Whoo Hoo! Time for a quick pick up of the house, feed some mammals (maybe grapes) and possibly a nap.

Love and kisses to all

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