Friday, August 1, 2008

Cool car!

Mom, you should be so proud of that little block of wood! You truly can make something out of nothing.... isn't that one of the definitions of an artist? Dad, what's the next step? Your buddies in the forum seem quite impressed by your new car! Go team!

Hey... so the softball team made it into the playoffs! We rock! The first playoff game was a scratch... the other team didn't have enough players. The second game we lost. Nonetheless, we ended the season with six legitimate wins, one fake win and seven losses. Two of those games were played with the bare minimum of players, we won one of those and lost the other. You would all be so proud of my stats if I knew them. I scored some runs, caught some balls and caught one pop up before it broke my nose. I think I hit a double once. Next year I'm joining the local kick ball league, where I only have to kick something to be able to run. It's a league that my friend Chelsea plays on... can't wait for the fun to begin. Julie's talking about a Thursday night basketball league but I'm pretty sure I'd have to quit smoking for that one. I'm not sure either of us are in good enough shape to handle it so we may just take the next two seasons of sports off and continue with our excessive lifestyles of smoking and eating cheese.

Aside from actually seeing your daughter on your birthday, what would you like, ma? I'm working on arranging the seeing part but would like to have something to wrap and put a bow on as well. They don't make gift bags big enough for Sasquatch, plus I think they're a choking/ suffocating hazard, so what would you like?

Nothing much going on here. A lot of sweating and cursing global warming. Also gas prices. And the unemployment rate in Michigan. Oh, and my eyeball hurts. Did I mention my hatred of mosquitoes? Can't leave the house after seven o'clock. I just tried watering my plants and have about a dozen new itchy spots to thank me for my efforts. Eh, I'll try again after work tomorrow. It'll only be about six o'clock, a whole hour before they come out en mass. How are the skeeters in Tennessee/ Frankfort? Let's start a support group for victims of mass skeeter attack.

That's it. A whole lot of nothing. Keep growing those vegetables and whatnot. School starts in t minus three weeks. Joy.

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