Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Get an Apple!

As I'm sure Lori will agree, we should all switch to the user friendly, non-crashing world of Apple. Someday, when I have about $3000 to spend, I shall buy myself a lovely IBook.... someday.....

I have been battling the demon that is allergies for some time now and today have reached the conclusion that I must have done something awful in a previous life to have to spend this one with a constantly drippy nose. It reaches critical mass when I'm drawing blood on a cat and my snot drips on the poor creatures leg. Also increases the bond between the poker (me) and the holder. I'm sure the person on the other end of that feline feels nothing but trust and compassion as I try to find a vein through blurry eyes and snotty nose. Good times. I have tried every over the counter allergy relief available to the world today and nothing really works. Perhaps I could find a doctor doing a study on those who are immune to all antihistamines. There must be others out there like me.

Speaking of oddities..... has anyone heard about the sasquatch that was recently found? My question is this..... what, exactly are they looking for in the DNA? Is there mystical sasquatch blood to test it against? I, for one, am quite excited for results as I will finally have found my ancestors. Oh, to know where one truly belongs.

Aggie and Levi have drawn battle lines and are fighting a war only they know the meaning of. Needless to say, it's become a bit worrisome. Aggie has open wounds on both sides of her face and Levi is healing from a bash to the head from his grey sister. Levi will lie in wait in the bathroom for Aggie to try to eat and often camps out at the bottom of the stairs to prevent her from climbing them. Aggie turns her aggression mostly on Uma which, for anyone who knows Uma, is poor planning on her part. Uma doesn't play that game and shuts her down time and time again. Sampson generally stays out of the fray unless caught in the middle, but he has proven to be a tough little soldier when his number is called. Why they seem to hate each other after four years together is a mystery to me but a solution must be found, peace talks are in the process. Aggie might find herself without a home if she doesn't chill out. Levi is unadoptable as he has a penchant for peeing inappropriately which leaves the evil Aggie as the clear choice to go if necessary. Barn living is the life for her. Not really, I can't do it, but somethings got to give before someone loses an eye.

I guess I'll go now. I love you all and I suppose I'll see my pa soon enough (sorry Farkus), but not really cause once school starts I'll be pretty much out of the house six days a week. I'm thinking about taking a yoga class too.... go hippie!

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