Wednesday, August 6, 2008


It's Wednesday and we MADE it!! Don't think that'll have to happen again. Other than rumblings about us going THERE, all we have to do now is remain creative in the excuse department. Real life begins again.

As for the property, Jess. Dad and I made a flier that's pretty terrific, filled with photos of little house and land. Find some close friend with $59,000 and it's helluva lot less than one of those monster motor homes (about $40,000 less). Dad left for little house about 20 minutes ago to cut the grass again. He has a downed tree to cut up and I have the red pine debris pile from hell to burn, but otherwise (oh yeah. The bathroom ceiling too) we're in good shape for when the place goes back on the market for the fourth year next spring.

We've got our project out front to work on next week and more crabgrass to dig so I can plant the perennials ASAP to establish their roots before frost. All things considered we're feeling much better about life in general. There's that pesky problem of school starting very soon, but I'm busy lining up ways to create potential income during the dark, gloomy winter. We'll make it just fine.

Got to get offline 'cause Sharon McKinley is taking me into town to pick up umpteen ancient wood-framed windows from a local guy remodeling his house. Don't know just what we'll do with them but we really jumped on it when they were offered to us.

More later. Love all of you tons. Ma

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