Monday, August 25, 2008


Tis me again (I could say It's me again Margaret, but that's probably overplayed) Hope everyone had a good weekend. 

Jess, have to admit publicly my defeat. I know Sean will never let me forget and this means more phone calls to the all know hippy drippy animal phlebotomist, but you were right. No grapes, no raisins, no chocolate.  So I won't let Roxy fill her cheeks with grapes if Sean promises not to let them have chocolate. (Got that Mr. Flanagan?)

Back to work, in the dinning room today so a shorter shift.  Eveyln, the big bad boss lady is going to be working at a facility a ways away as well as ours.  Either she'll be gone a lot or grumpier.  I'm hoping for away.

Finishing coffee and then getting dressed up.  Love to all!!

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