Monday, August 4, 2008

A wish for strength

Helloooo all. To may parents, I wish you strength in this time of trouble. May your visit with FERD go quickly and painlessly. I was just explaining Fred to Tommy the other night and we were discussing how much I hope I never have to see him again. Lucky for me, I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. Well, he would have to dig back into the inner workings of his mind to first remember that he had a granddaughter once upon a time to remember that he hasn't seen her in over ten years. Anyway, I hope it goes smoothly and swiftly.

Dad, very cute posting the pictures of the turkeys. I love to eat them in the form of dogs and tacos. I love to eat them in the form of bologna and sausages. They are ugly, horrible little beasts and I will eat them as long as Jenny O continues to turn them into beef alternatives. Thank you very much, gobbler man.

All vehicles have been removed from lawn and Tom made a sweep of the area to pick up any remnants. If it weren't for the lawn job we would have no evidence of the night's excitement. Even that's not so bad. The damage to Randy's fence is also completely unnoticeable unless you had seen the car smooshed up next to it. I'll get more details at work tomorrow as one of the paramedics was a guy I work with. He works all night as an EMT and then goes to the shelter for more abuse... now there's a brave, hard working individual. Also has some anger problems but we can forgive him that if we must.

I think it's going to rain today. Yay! The grass is dead, my plants are barely hanging on and it's about two hundred degrees out. But the sky is dark and it smells like a storm is brewing so I've got my fingers crossed and would welcome it with open arms even if the power goes out.

Love to everyone out there in cyber space. I hope everyone is enjoying the summer before it goes away. By the way, Little House looks great! I wish Tom and I had the money to buy it, even if to keep it as our own private get away. Belongs in the Shellhaas family, ya know? Ma, you'd be proud of me. I gave myself a haircut and it's mostly straight. Go team!

Love y'all! Jess

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